A motor coupler connects an electric motor to an appliance’s drive system. It uses two drive plates cushioned by a rubber shock absorber and transfers power from the engine to the transmission. The rubber absorbs shock and torque, causing wear and tear that requires replacing the entire coupler. No fastener is needed as the coupler fits over a hexagonal shape machined into the shafts.
A motor coupler is a device that connects an electric motor to the drive system of an appliance, such as a washing machine. Commonly designed as a three-piece component, an engine coupler uses two drive plates cushioned by a rubber shock absorber. The typical motor coupler is designed to fit the output shaft of the motor and does not require a fastener, in most cases, to stay in place. The coupler inside an appliance acts in the same capacity as the drive shaft in an automobile in that it transfers power from the engine to the transmission.
By placing a rubber disc between the two nylon drive gears of the engine coupler, the shock from engine ignition is absorbed rather than damaging the engine output shaft or transmission input shaft. In an appliance, such as a washing machine, this rubber also absorbs the torque from a loaded drum when the motor shuts down. The rubber can stretch as the heavy drum tries to keep rotating when the motor is turned off at the end of the wash cycle. Conversely, the rubber stretches slightly when the engine starts and the hopper fills with water. This repeated stretching is typically what causes the engine coupler to wear out or crack.
It is very important to replace the entire motor coupler when servicing a broken coupler. Often, only one tooth is broken off one of the drive gears, tempting a repair person to replace just the broken piece. The entire coupler experienced numerous cycles of hard work, elongation and contraction before tooth failure. This wear has also taken a toll on non-broken parts and will result in a cracked tooth if not replaced as a unit at time of service. In some circumstances, a commercial grade coupler is available to plug into a home washing machine; this is usually overkill, but can add longevity to the coupler.
There is no fastener used in the coupler retention. The engine coupler is simply inserted between the engine and the transmission in the car. The reason no fastener is needed to secure the coupler to the shafts is the trimming of the shafts and center drive hub of the coupler. The coupler fits over a hexagonal shape machined into the shaft on both the transmission and engine, thus eliminating any possibility of slippage between the components.