Continuous return is the percentage of income or return that investors earn from their portfolios, calculated annually or more frequently. It considers dividends and market price movements to determine if the portfolio is performing well. Accurate data is crucial for effective asset management.
Sometimes referred to as current return, a continuing return is a term used to identify the amount of income or return that investors earn from their portfolios, in terms of describing that income as a percentage of the current market value of the assets held by the investor. . This approach is somewhat like dividend yield, but it applies to the entire portfolio rather than just the return of a specific asset in terms of dividends paid on that asset. Typically, a continuing return is determined annually, but it can be calculated more frequently if desired.
With a dividend yield, the income generated from dividend payments for stocks or coupon payments for bonds is the focus of the calculation. This approach is very useful to determine the feasibility of acquiring or maintaining a certain asset within the portfolio. In contrast, a continuous return looks at the cumulative return associated with the portfolio and helps investors determine if the current collection of securities and shares is performing at a level that is considered fair. This is important to the task of keeping the portfolio balanced, so that when some assets perform below expectations, others perform above normal levels and make up the difference enough to allow the portfolio to maintain its value. general.
A continuous return not only considers the dividends accumulated on various securities, but also takes into account the market price movements associated with the different securities in an investment portfolio. This approach makes it easy to compare the benefits derived from a portfolio from one period to the next. If continued performance indicates that overall returns are higher than in the prior period, the investor is likely to hold onto current assets, even if some have experienced a slight decline in market price. When the current yield is lower than in prior periods, this may indicate that the investor should take a closer look at the dividend yield of each asset within the portfolio and determine if any of those securities should be sold and replaced by other securities.
As with any type of formula, continuous performance only provides valuable data if the information used for the calculation is up to date. If an investor underestimates the current market value of the portfolio, this could lead to investment decisions that are ultimately not in their best interest. By accurately relating current portfolio value to past performance levels and the potential for higher returns in the future, it is possible to manage assets effectively and continue to earn fair returns on investments.
Smart Asset.