Nonverbal learning disorder (NLD) is a learning disability often confused with autism, but with highly verbal children. NLD children may have difficulty with non-verbal tasks, short-term memory, math, writing, and understanding written instructions. They may also have delays in fine and gross motor skills, and struggle with social interactions. Early intervention and adjustments in teaching methods can help these children become successful students.
Nonverbal learning disorder (NLD) is often a catch-all phrase used to link a number of learning disabilities that children have. Nonverbal learning disorder is on the autism scale, even though these children and adults may not have autism or Asperger’s. With autism, communication is often sluggish and speech can be significantly delayed. Conversely, although the term nonverbal learning disability suggests otherwise, children with NLD are highly verbal.
There are several ways to describe the characteristics of nonverbal learning disorder. Not all children have all the characteristics and some characteristics may have to lesser degrees. However, it can be said of most children with NLD that their exceptional verbal skills often confuse teachers, who may rate a child with NLD as lazy or unmotivated when it comes to producing written work.
Children with nonverbal learning disorder may be able to mask some of the aspects of the condition with excellent long-term memory skills. However, a degree of impairment in fine and gross motor skills often makes writing very difficult. By the third or fourth grade, when the writing assignments get longer, usually the child with NLD can no longer hide his or her disability. When NLD goes undiagnosed, social stigma and angry words from the teacher can make school an especially difficult place to be.
When NLD is suspected, schools help highlight features that may indicate NLD. Only a neuropsychologist can diagnose NLD, and unfortunately, most of the counseling services needed to evaluate NLD are not covered by insurance plans. However, parents looking for reasons why their child or children may not be doing well in school could look to the following to determine whether NLD should be suspected.
Academically, children with nonverbal learning disabilities may have:
Difficulty completing any non-verbal tasks.
Difficulty with tasks that require short-term memory.
Challenges related to mathematical calculations.
Severe dysgraphia causing writing delay or fatigue.
Difficulty understanding written instructions.
Frustration and age-inappropriate emotional outbursts in response to academic questions.
Organizational difficulties and inability to stay focused.
Socially, children with nonverbal learning disabilities may exhibit:
Extremely literal interpretations of others’ speech and inability to understand humor or sarcasm.
Inappropriate trust in strangers.
Challenges in relating to peers.
An extreme interpretation of what is right.
Misunderstanding of non-verbal language such as gestures and facial expressions.
Misreading of normal conversation signals.
Physically, children with nonverbal learning disabilities may show:
Delays in fine and gross motor skills.
Lack of understanding between visual and spatial relationships.
Tendency to sedentary activities.
When misunderstood, the child with nonverbal learning disorder faces a very difficult journey that often results in isolation. NLD children are at a higher risk of committing suicide as adolescents and adults because they are so often cut off from peers, teachers, and sometimes even parents. Modifications that allow the child to work at a slower pace, complete some tasks verbally, and give the child clear, strictly verbal instructions can increase student success.
Nonverbal learning disability has no specific cause, but is clearly attributed to right brain development or deficits. Early brain injury could cause NLD, but most children with NLD have no history of brain injury. Somehow, the right brain malfunctions, causing some or all of the above traits. Treatment must focus on adjusting the school, parents and teachers to the child, as the child cannot really adjust.
With early intervention, these children can become successful students, often achieving top marks in math and science. For parents, the job of parenting an NLD child can be quite challenging, but with diligence and patience, the end result will be a child who functions well socially and academically.