Machine drills can be machine-driven or part of a machining tool. The first drills were human-powered, but the bow drill was the first indirectly fed drill. Power drills evolved into the hand drill and drill press. Machining tool drills vary in complexity and can be part of an automated assembly line or a single machine with multiple tools.
A machine drill is generally one of two things. The first is a machine-driven drill, such as a drill press. These drills have a motor that spins the bit and the human operator, if one has one, simply holds it still. The other common type of machine drill is a part machining drill: Machining is the process of selectively removing metal to form a part into the desired shape and configuration. While a machining tool may have one human operator for the entire machine, the drilling stage is usually part of a larger process and receives no direct supervision.
Drills are one of the oldest complex tools created by man. They first came into use around 5,000 years ago. These early drills were human-powered and nearly identical in basic design to modern human-powered drills. The first major design improvement was the bow drill, a drill that had a bow wrapped around it that aided its rotation; this was essentially the first indirectly fed drill. The first power drills in the mid-1800s were simply powered bow drills.
Eventually, these power drills streamlined into two main forms, the drill press and the hand drill. The hand drill is probably the simplest form of machine drill available. It’s simply a motor attached to a drill shaft with a trigger to turn the motor on and off. This type of drill, due to its simple construction and inexpensive components, is both inexpensive and widely available. The hand drill is the only common machine drill that can be moved to where the hole needs to be; the others request that the punctured item be brought to them.
The drill press is a much more advanced form of machine drill. The drill component works much like a hand drill; it’s just a motor attached to a drill shaft. This component is mounted on a shaft so that it is held in a fixed position. Generally the drill is able to slide up and down on a single axis. The drill, at the extreme of one of its ends, will intersect a plate which is also held in a fixed position. Everything that requires drilling is placed on this plate and moved to accommodate the movements of the drill.
A machine drill used as part of a machining tool is the more complicated version. There is a wide range of drilling machine tools and they work very differently. The most basic form works like a drill press, often as part of an automated assembly line. The most common type is part of a larger machining tool, where a drill is one of the tools available for a single machine. Some of these machines have multiple tools available in different locations on the same machine, while others have a single location and set of rotating tools.