Factors affecting hospitalization costs include prescription drugs, hospital type, length of stay, and type of illness or injury. Teaching hospitals are generally more expensive, and the cost of drugs and room type can also impact the final bill.
Some factors that influence the costs of hospitalization are the prescription of drugs, the type of hospital and the length of stay of the patient. Prescription drugs can be expensive, especially if they are new or rare, or need to be given in large quantities. The type of hospital also affects the final price of hospitalization costs because some hospitals charge more than others. Finally, the type of disease a person has also affects their hospitalization costs due to the various equipment needed.
Every drug a patient needs affects hospitalization costs. Each drug and the amount are recorded on a current bill to be given to the patient at check-out. The costs of hospital care can vary significantly. For example, if a patient only needs two generic drugs that are cheap to make, her bill could be much cheaper than someone who needed five expensive cancer drugs with no generic form available.
Studies show that teaching hospitals are generally more expensive than community hospitals. In fact, being treated at a teaching hospital in the United States, for example, can add up to 30 percent to a person’s hospitalization costs. Teaching hospitals are a valuable asset however, and they need to exist and thrive to educate medical students and enable them to enter the workforce on their own.
How long a patient has to stay in the hospital has a direct impact on their hospitalization costs. Most hospitals charge a flat rate for each day a person stays, but this rate may be discounted if a patient stays for an extended period. The fee is often added depending on the type of room the patient is staying in; for example, sharing a room is cheaper than paying for a private room. Also, rooms in some areas of the hospital can cost more. For example, an intensive care room or other part of the hospital where patients are constantly monitored can cost more than a normal hospital stay.
The type of illness or injury a person has affects the cost of a hospital stay. It is common knowledge that some illnesses and injuries on average simply cost a loss compared to others. For example, someone with a broken back will have a less expensive bill than someone who has had open heart surgery. Surgeries in particular are expensive because the patient is billed for multiple specialists and for any medications used for sedation.