Industrial design is important in construction as it provides a plan for the project. The creative and technical skills of designers are necessary to achieve the final product, which is typically presented as a model or prototype. The design process involves site analysis, budget considerations, and other factors to create a unique design specific to the project.
The relationship between industrial design and construction derives from the fact that industrial design is a precursor of industrial construction. That is, the concept developed during the industrial design process will be implemented during the construction phase of the project. Every construction project must first start with a design phase where the plan for the construction will be presented in a clear format to give the various building and construction professionals a visual to work with. This link between industrial design and construction can be seen in the drawing of a plan for a construction project, which details the various proposed attributes of the final product.
Bearing in mind that industrial design involves the unification of the creative or artistic and technical talents of industrial designers, any construction project must necessarily involve some form of application of creativity and technical skills to achieve the reality of construction. An example of the application of industrial and construction design can be seen in the case of building a refinery where the different attributes of the project will be taken into consideration by the designer in order to come up with a unique design which will be specific to the project under consideration. In this case, the designer will carry out a site analysis on which the proposed construction will take place based on the result of a comprehensive site survey. After this has been done, the designer will consider other factors, such as available building materials, the scope of the budget allocated to the construction project, and other related factors in order to come up with a proposed design.
This design will usually be in the form of a model, simulating a prototype for a product and further showing the link between industrial design and construction. That is to say, if the project were to be the design of a specific consumer product, the industrial designer would use a prototype to show a realistic view of the design. In the same sense, the finished construction project model will be a visual by which the designer can show clients what the proposed construction project will look like after construction has been completed. At this stage, if there is dissatisfaction with any part of the plan, the clients and the designer will work together to make any possible changes in order to arrive at the final design for the building project.