Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase meaning “something for something” used in various fields, including legal, political, and economic. It can be a fair exchange or a form of leverage. Quid pro quo sexual harassment involves offering a reward for sexual favors. Informal exchanges of information or favors can also occur.
The term quid pro quo is a Latin phrase informally translated as “something for something” or “this for that.” The phrase is used in a number of different spheres, from legal to political to economic. Some quid pro quos are seen as a form of social bartering, mainly when the exchange is considered fair and mutually beneficial. Other elements of it, especially regarding sexual harassment, can be seen as an offer that can’t be refused.
Politically speaking, the quid pro quo is often used as a bargaining chip between lawmakers or as leverage between world leaders. A Senator may agree to vote for a bill following an agreement with the bill’s sponsor. In exchange for the vote, the sponsor can agree to compromise on another issue. World leaders also use quid pro quo as a means of political leverage. Negotiations for the peaceful resolution of conflicts often involve exchanges of technology or supplies of humanitarian aid.
In economic terms, the practice of quid pro quo is recognized as a legal agreement between two parties if the goods or services have tangible value. These payments may be included as part of a larger contract. Instead of billing in cash only, the parties can agree on payment in return for tangible goods or services. In the event of a breach of contract, a court may order that such written agreements be respected.
A darker aspect of the quid pro quo occurs during some forms of sexual harassment. Using her position as leverage, a boss can promise a subordinate an opportunity for a pay raise or advancement in exchange for sexual favors. Fearing that the boss might punish them financially for turning down the offer, some subordinates feel enormous pressure to submit. The idea of promising a tangible reward in exchange for sexual favors is called quid pro quo sexual harassment. The original concept is not intended to encourage blackmail or sexual intimidation.
Some people use a form of quid pro quo when seeking information or a favor from a friend or colleague. Both parties may have information that could benefit the other, so an informal exchange arrangement is often discussed. The actual value of the information exchanged can vary widely, but at least both parties benefit from the arrangement.