Dehydration occurs when more water leaves the body than is absorbed, causing symptoms that vary in severity and can lead to death. Causes include alcohol consumption, excessive urination, fever, and vomiting. Stimulants and supplements can increase dehydration, and even mild dehydration can reduce mental and physical performance. Severe dehydration can cause brain damage, stroke, and death.
Dehydration is a lack of water in the body. There are many effects of dehydration and these signs and symptoms vary from individual to individual. The symptoms that occur also depend on the severity of the dehydration and get progressively worse. Even as little as 20% dehydration can have a significant impact both physically and mentally. Ten percent dehydration or more can result in death.
Dehydration occurs when more water leaves the body than is absorbed. Dehydration can be caused by a variety of factors including alcohol consumption, excessive urination, fever and vomiting. Necessary bodily processes, which occur regularly during the day, such as sweating, and even the breathing process release water from the body. It is essential to consume enough fluids to compensate for those lost during the day, otherwise dehydration can occur.
Stimulants such as caffeine and supplements that increase normal metabolic rate speed up the rate of urination, which means that the amount of fluid leaving the body increases dramatically. Large-scale or severe and widespread burns, wounds, and very damaged skin cause dehydration. Significant amounts of fluid leak from affected areas.
Studies indicate that the effects of dehydration at just 15% can reduce mental and physical performance and reactions by more than 15%. One of the most common symptoms of mild dehydration is a headache that usually gets worse and worse unless lost fluids are replaced. This is often accompanied by an inability to concentrate and is very common among people who work for long periods without taking a break. Other symptoms of mild dehydration include lethargy and a general nonspecific feeling of being unwell. Each person suffering from dehydration will most likely experience a different combination of symptoms that gradually get worse.
A rapid, weak pulse and irregular heart rate are often present when dehydration exceeds eight percent. At 100% dehydration and above, immediate medical attention is required. Extensive brain damage, a stroke, and an inability to regulate core body temperature can occur. Death is likely if severe dehydration is not treated.