Psychologists are licensed to treat mental health problems, including those of children and adolescents. Adolescent psychologists have a focus on the emotional issues of this age group, but child psychologists may also have experience in this area. Adolescent psychiatrists can prescribe medication in addition to therapy.
A psychologist is someone who has completed doctoral level training and then been licensed so that he or she can counsel and treat those with mental health problems or illnesses. Any psychologist can treat children, but sometimes the term child or adolescent psychologist is used. This is not a protected title in most cases. People don’t get further certifications claiming their merits for treating children or adolescents, but what most people understand by adolescent psychologist is that their study focus in PhD training was mostly on adolescents. Some may even have done a research study or thesis on some aspect of adolescent and mental health.
Adolescence is seen as its own set of emotional issues and problems. An in-depth understanding of these can help inform treatment for this group of people. Treatment may not be the same for a 16-year-old as it is for a 25-year-old, as intense development work is going on in the former. As a group, adolescents can be studied to see how they respond to different types of treatment and also how they exhibit symptoms of mental distress or illness. There are also some mental disorders particularly associated with adolescence, such as eating disorders.
When choosing a therapist for a teenager, many people seek out a teen psychologist, as they want that special expertise that can come with a well-trained person in this matter. However, it may be easier to find a child psychologist, and this may also suggest someone trained to work with adolescents. Certainly childhood and adolescence are two distinct developmental periods, but those who study child psychology (which isn’t even a protected title) have often spent a fair amount of time studying adolescent psychology. The best way to find out about the psychologist’s experience is to ask.
An adolescent psychologist is not limited in terms of how it might work. Some of these professionals primarily practice therapy. Others might work in mental health institutions, especially those for adolescents, adolescent treatment or rehabilitation centers, or children’s hospitals. Psychologists of this type might also work in schools, as educators, or do research.
Something that can confuse many people is the difference between the terms adolescent psychologist and adolescent psychiatrist. Typically, psychologists are not doctors (although some doctors have degrees in psychology) and cannot prescribe drugs. When adolescents require medication for various mental illnesses, parents may want to seek out a teen psychiatrist, who can offer therapy in addition to medication management.