Leprosy is caused by two types of bacterial infection and has existed for thousands of years. Antibiotics can cure it in its early stages, but the disease’s long incubation period has made it difficult to trace. Risk factors include poverty, lack of sanitation, and certain genes.
The cause of leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, has eluded medical practice for centuries. While some thought the disease was a curse or punishment from God, the real cause of leprosy lies in two types of bacterial infection. Since this discovery was made in the 20th century, antibiotics have been developed that can cure and cure the disease in its early stages.
Leprosy has existed in the human population for thousands of years. Written accounts of the disease date back to at least the 6th century BC and come from various cultures around the world. The disease’s distinct symptoms, which include disfigurement, weakness, and destruction of nerve and muscle tissue, have long made victims of the disease a target for isolation and abuse. While the disease is better understood in the modern world, it remains a serious condition that requires prompt medical treatment.
One of the major difficulties in isolating the cause of leprosy is the extremely long incubation period of the disease. While some patients may experience symptoms within weeks of exposure, others may not show any signs of the disease for more than a decade. Historically, this inconsistency in symptom development has made it nearly impossible for medical scientists to trace the source of disease and understand how it spreads; only with the development of microscopic studies and modern antibiotic therapy could the true cause of leprosy be discovered.
The cause of leprosy can be one of two bacteria, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis. Both bacteria come from the same family as tuberculosis, and some cases of leprosy can be classified as tuberculin infections, depending on the symptoms. It is believed that the infection is transmitted by inhaling respiratory secretions, such as mucus or saliva. In some cases, the bacteria can also be transmitted from animals to humans, especially armadillos.
While bacteria is the only known cause of leprosy, several risk factors can increase the chance of infection. High cases of the disease are linked to extreme levels of poverty and the resulting lack of adequate sanitation or clean drinking water. It also tends to be disproportionately found in tropical or subtropical climates, although it can occur elsewhere. The most important risk factor for leprosy may be the presence of certain genes, which are known to be susceptible to the disease. According to some experts, fewer than 10% of the world’s population may have these genes, meaning most people will be completely immune to the disease.