A forklift is a device that moves a hoist on tracks suspended from the ceiling or posts. It’s used to lift and carry heavy loads in buildings, warehouses, and loading docks. Manual and automatic versions are available. The operator pulls the lifting hook on the object to be moved, and the trolley follows the track above. An automatic hoist trolley is controlled with the same control panel that operates the hoist.
A forklift is a device used to allow a hoist to be moved around a building or outdoor area on a series of tracks suspended from the ceiling or from posts. The hoist trolley is a steel shell containing rollers that ride on the end of an I-beam. The trolley has a hook or clevis placed at the bottom of the steel shell to allow a hoist to be attached to the trolley. Both automated and manually operated versions of the lift trolley are available and are used daily all over the world. Whether used to move material within a building, transfer products from one assembly stage to the next on a production line, or move finished products around a warehouse or loading dock, the trolley system helps workers to lift and carry heavy loads.
The device is a tool found in home garages and automobile manufacturing plants. The use of the lifting trolley allows a worker to lift an object with the hoist and then, using a series of welded rails, travel great distances and store the object on the floor, on an assembly line or in a truck. The common bogie is a two-piece design that is held in place around a steel beam and bolted together, creating an easy-to-move device that can drive the track or beam just like a roller coaster car or inverted wagon .
With a manual lift trolley, the operator simply pulls the lifting hook on the desired object to be moved and the trolley will follow the track above. Once the object is hooked onto the lifting hook and lifted, the operator commonly pushes or pulls the object to guide its movement along the rail. On systems using unwinds and turns, the operator selects the path of the cart and assists it in its movement. Once in the desired area, the object is lowered by the hoist operator and unhooked. The lift cart is commonly returned to a central staging area to await use by another worker.
An automatic hoist trolley is commonly controlled with the same control panel that operates the hoist. An operator simply presses a forward or reverse button on the control panel and the lift trolley moves in the chosen direction. Often, the electric or automatic truck will have warning lights and a horn or buzzer that can be activated by flipping a switch on the control panel. It is used to alert workers when a hoist may be passing near their workstations. The automatic trolley uses an electric motor to drive the drive wheels and hoist.