Experts can test for dyslexia through various methods including memory, writing, math, phonics, and cognitive tests. Online tests are available, but some experts question their accuracy. Testing can be done through special education programs or dyslexia associations.
There are various ways that experts can test for dyslexia. There are dyslexia tests designed for children and adults. Ways to test for dyslexia include online tests that can be taken for free. Some experts, however, have expressed concern that online testing is as accurate as individual testing done by an educational instructor. There are dyslexia screenings that involve speech, language, and reading as part of comprehensive testing.
Taking a memory test for dyslexia can be one of the first steps a child should take. This is because many dyslexic children have difficulty memorizing random information. Memory tests may involve a series of random questions related to various topics or subjects. Memory games can be part of tests for preschoolers.
Tests involving writing and fine motor skills can be other types of dyslexia assessment. This may involve obtaining several samples of the subject’s handwriting. Studying how the student forms sentences and where the difficulties lie can help with the diagnosis.
Multi-level math tests can be another way to test for dyslexia. Young students may be given a basic or entry-level quiz, while older students may be required to take a more advanced maths test. Very young children may be given tests that involve basic counting.
Phonics and reading tests may be conducted to help determine a diagnosis of dyslexia. Having the student read aloud can be part of the process. In some tests, special recording equipment may be used. Speech reproduction to assess structure and difficulty in speech patterns can be a test method. Phonics tests can involve different aspects, with varying levels for different age groups.
Cognitive tests for dyslexia can be conducted on children of all ages who are suspected of having dyslexia. Similar to an intelligence quotient (IQ) test, these tests typically don’t involve math questions. Tests to determine logic, reasoning, and coordination can also be a key part of the program. The speech comprehension test can be another type of test for dyslexia.
Testing for dyslexia can be part of a special education program or done at a developmental learning center that specializes in this disorder. There may be local chapters of a dyslexia association that provide testing and help for those diagnosed with this learning disability. Many public schools may not offer tests, although recommendations can be provided if a teacher suspects a problem.