Menstruation can cause anemia due to the loss of blood, and women who do not supplement their iron intake during their menstrual years are at high risk. Heavy and irregular periods increase the risk, and symptoms include fatigue and shortness of breath.
The connection between anemia and menstruation is that menstruation can contribute to or cause anemia. Menstruation, particularly heavy and frequent, can lead to considerable blood loss. When so much blood is lost that there is a shortage of red blood cells in the body, anemia is the result.
The connection between anemia and menstruation can be explained in part by understanding what anemia is. Anemia is a blood condition that results from an insufficient supply of healthy red blood cells. It is diagnosed by a blood test showing low hemoglobin levels. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in red blood cells that collects oxygen from the lungs and distributes it to other parts of the body.
Two types of anemia are iron deficiency anemia and sickle cell anemia. These two types are very different. People who discuss a connection between anemia and menstruation are usually referring to iron deficiency anemia. A person with anemia does not get enough oxygen for their organs and muscles. Symptoms of this condition include fatigue and shortness of breath. Another common symptom is chronically feeling cold because iron is responsible for regulating body temperature.
Another important aspect to explain the connection between anemia and menstruation is to understand menstruation. Menstruation occurs monthly and is a healthy part of the female reproductive system. Once a month, the uterine lining is filled with blood in preparation for conception and pregnancy. In most cases, there is no conception, and then the blood lining the uterus is poured out through the vagina. The shedding of blood is called menstruation.
One of the ways that anemia and menstruation are linked is that menstruating women are at high risk of anemia. During pregnancy and therefore the menstrual years, women need a lot of iron. Over time, a lot of blood is lost during menstruation and consequently a lot of iron is lost in the form of hemoglobin. Women who do not supplement their iron intake during their menstrual years can become anemic.
Menstruation is one of the most common causes of anemia in women of childbearing age. Reports have shown that 10% of menstruating women are iron deficient, and an estimated 2 to 5% of these women have iron levels low enough to be anemic. Usually, menstruation is only a secondary cause of anemia, with the main cause being a poor diet.
Irregular periods can increase the risk of anemia. Women with particularly heavy periods and women who regularly experience bleeding between periods should keep a close eye on their iron levels. More blood lost means more risk of iron deficiency. Talk to a doctor about regulating your periods or supplementing with iron to avoid anemia.