Trichomoniasis is a common STD caused by a protozoan organism that causes inflammation of the urethra and vagina. Symptoms include severe itching and foul-smelling discharge. Treatment involves taking medication, but it can cause side effects. Complications include premature birth and infertility. Regular gynecological exams are important for early detection.
Trich, or trichomonas, is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by Trichomonas vaginalis, a protozoan organism characterized as a parasite. This condition causes inflammation of the urethra in men and women and of the vagina, and is most common in adolescents and young adults, up to the age of 30. The average incubation period for trich is seven days and the diagnosis is made after a sample of the suspected discharge has been placed on a glass slide and viewed under a microscope.
Symptoms of trich in women include severe vaginal itching, accompanied by foul-smelling vaginal discharge that is often yellow. In men, trichomonas can be asymptomatic, but it can also cause spotting and burning when urinating. Treatment of trich involves taking medications such as metronidazole, which is a drug used to relieve parasites. Both partners must be treated at the same time to avoid the risk of reinfection.
Metronidazole can cause serious side effects such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Sometimes, the side effects can be so intrusive that the treatment is often abandoned by the patient. It is important, however, to complete the entire prescription, because otherwise you risk making the infection worse, possibly causing damage to the reproductive organs. This drug is usually given by mouth and should be taken with plenty of fluids to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal discomfort.
Complications of trich can include premature birth and low birth weight babies. It is possible that a mother could pass the infection to her baby during delivery when she passes her through the birth canal. If trichomonas is present during labor, your doctor may perform a C-section. Also, infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and nongonococcal urethritis can be caused by trich.
Trichomoniasis is the most common treatable STD in sexually active young women. Because trich can go undiagnosed, it is important to have regular gynecological exams so that treatment can be implemented if the organism is present in the vaginal lining. Typically, however, it causes symptoms that are so pronounced that many people often seek medical attention beforehand.
Stillbirth is also a danger of an untreated trichomonas infection, so even if symptoms are not present, it may be prudent to request a trich test, although these tests are not routinely administered during pregnancy unless symptoms are present. Some studies have suggested that medication to treat the infection may increase the risk of early labor, however, the risk and benefits should be discussed with your doctor.