Respiratory system disorders affect breathing and can be chronic or acute. Asbestos disease, bronchitis, smoking-related conditions, adult respiratory distress syndrome, and asthma are common respiratory disorders. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, and excessive mucus production. Treatment often involves antibiotics and inhalers. Smoking cessation can improve lung function. ARDS is a serious disorder that can lead to multiple organ failure and shock if left untreated. Allergy shots may be recommended for asthma triggered by allergies.
Respiratory system disorders refer to medical conditions that affect breathing or breathing. Respiratory system disorders can be chronic or acute. Asbestos disease is a serious respiratory condition that typically develops after prolonged inhalation of asbestos fibers. A common disorder of the respiratory system is bronchitis. This respiratory condition refers to inflammation of the main breathing or airways of the lungs. Chronic bronchitis refers to multiple episodes of bronchitis with shortness of breath and coughing up mucus. Other respiratory disorders include those associated with smoking, adult respiratory distress syndrome, and asthma.
Typically, most respiratory system disorders show similar symptoms. The most common symptoms of respiratory disorders include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing while lying down, and excessive mucus production. Additionally, many patients may experience higher levels of anxiety due to an inability to enjoy a deep breath. Often, cough and wheezing also accompany disorders of the respiratory system.
Sometimes respiratory system disorders can be caused by smoking. Smoking-related lung conditions include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema. Many times these conditions can improve with smoking cessation, unless the damage is too extensive. Although smoking can cause enormous damage to the respiratory system, quitting smoking almost always improves lung function. Such chronic ailments of the respiratory system as these sometimes warrant oxygen therapy.
One of the most serious respiratory system disorders is adult respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS. This syndrome is characterized by rapid and labored breathing, shortness of breath, and cyanotic or blue lips. Frequently, anxiety and restlessness are present because the patient becomes nervous due to the inability to breathe properly. If left untreated, ARDS can lead to multiple organ failure and shock.
A common respiratory system disorder that usually begins in childhood is asthma. This condition causes difficulty breathing and wheezing. The asthmatic patient typically receives treatment via an oral inhaler. These inhalers often contain steroids that reduce the inflammatory process. In addition to inhalers, treatments using inhaled steam and medications often facilitate expectoration of sticky mucus. Many times, asthma is triggered by allergies. In these cases, the doctor often recommends regular allergy shots.
Although respiratory system disorders generally differ in their causes, treatment is often similar; the patient will receive an antibiotic. Often, when respiratory system disorders occur, the individual is often short of breath and unable to cough or cough up harmful mucus in the lungs. When mucus builds up in the lungs, it becomes a breeding ground for infection. By eliminating the infection, the patient often becomes stronger and more able to recover from his illness.