V2G is a system where electric cars can take power from the grid and return unused power when parked. It could reduce the need for gas and protect the environment, but would require common cars, a control system, and a way to regulate power. Skeptics argue it could cause batteries to fail and requires an overhaul.
V2G, short for Vehicle to Grid, is the concept of a system where cars running on electricity can take the power needed to run them from the power grid and return unused power back when the car is not in use. The term was created by AC Propulsion Inc. In the V2G system, the car was plugged into the grid, and when parked and not in use, the grid could draw additional electricity from the car’s battery. This would help provide stable power to cities while powering electric cars that would be more environmentally friendly than cars that run solely on gasoline or other fuels.
Power grids provide electricity to buildings, street lights, and any other resources that need it. To keep the system running smoothly, power plants need to create enough power to meet the demands. The amount used and the amount created must be kept fairly balanced or problems may arise. If a large imbalance occurs, the power grid could experience surges and stop working.
Using V2G systems would allow power plants to start cars when they need more electricity than expected, and use less or none when not. The trick would be to even out the distribution of power between cars in an entire city or state so that car owners still have power to drive their cars. This alternative would help reduce the need for gas to power cars and could protect the environment. It would also slow down the use of oil, which is a non-renewable resource that won’t come back after it has been used up.
Three possible types of V2G systems are being considered. The first is a car that uses fuel to provide power and helps provide additional power to generators during times of the day when the electrical grid is under the greatest stress. The second type of car is a plug-in and is connected to the mains. When power is needed, it is drawn from the car and during times when there is less power demand, the car can be recharged. The latest type of V2G system uses a solar-powered vehicle to charge its battery and then feed additional power into the electrical grid for use.
For the V2G system to work, it would require three parts. First, the cars that supported the system would have to become common to create enough to power the system. Next, a control system would be needed to be able to regulate when and where to extract or supply energy. Finally, a system that can calculate whether or not it should be getting power from a specific car at that moment would be crucial. Otherwise, owners could find that their cars don’t charge in the mornings when they need to drive to work.
Certain skeptics of the system have pointed out that using this type of system would cause car batteries to stop working much faster. They also point out that at the moment neither cars nor the electrical grid are equipped to handle a system like this. A major overhaul would be needed before V2G becomes a reality.