A retinoscope is used by optometrists and ophthalmologists to evaluate refractive errors in the eye. It shines a light into the eye to examine how light is reflected from the retina, and a refractor is used to correct any errors. The exam is painless and can detect spherical and cylindrical refractive errors, including astigmatism.
A retinoscope is an instrument used by an optometrist or ophthalmologist to evaluate the range of refractive error in the eye as part of a comprehensive optical exam. The device shines a beam of light directly into the patient’s eye as they view a distant object, which allows the doctor to examine how light is reflected from the retina. The degree of refraction is indicated by the field of view where the image points of light no longer converge and accurate focus is lost. In geometrical optics parlance, this is known as the circle of confusion, the circle of blur, or the shadow effect. The refractive error is then corrected using a refractor, which introduces a series of lenses of various optical intensities until the retinal reflex is observed as being within the normal range through the retinoscope.
While retinoscopy may seem complicated and highly technical, it’s actually quite simple and painless. In fact, most people aren’t bothered at all by the light shining in their eyes and may be only vaguely aware of the intrusion. This is because the patient usually pays close attention to the eye map to correctly recite the letters shown in as many successive lines as possible. If cycloplegic drops are placed in the eye before being examined with a retinoscope to dilate the pupils and enhance the retinal reflex, however, the patient can expect to continue to experience these effects for a few hours.
A retinoscope also tells the doctor what type of vision correction is needed based on whether the refractive error is spherical or cylindrical. A high degree of refractive power indicates that the focus of light remains in front of the retina, resulting in nearsightedness, a condition more commonly known as nearsightedness. Conversely, farsightedness, or farsightedness, occurs when the refractive power is too low and the focus of light remains behind the retina. Those lucky enough to demonstrate no refractive errors can be thankful for being blessed with emmetropic eyes.
Examination with a retinoscope also detects cylindrical refractive errors that occur with astigmatism. While these visual anomalies are also caused by too strong or too low a refractive power, the distinction here is that the focus of the object can differ between the two planes or meridians of the eye. In other words, the image can be sharp on one meridian and blurry on another. This has the effect of producing a curvature in refractive power, possibly due to a misshapen cornea or lens.