Construction alignment lasers have been used since the 1960s and are now widely used by construction companies for jobs ranging from excavations to skyscrapers. They come in various shapes and sizes, are highly efficient, and ensure complex jobs are done right the first time. They are used most frequently in grading and can also be used to measure distances. Operators must wear appropriate eye protection and be trained to use them safely.
Construction alignment lasers have been in use since the 1960s when their applications began to be realised. Since then, their use on construction sites has expanded by leaps and bounds, with most construction companies using lasers on jobs ranging from excavations to skyscrapers. These lasers have higher efficiency and ensure that complex jobs are done right the first time.
There are a wide variety of shapes for construction alignment lasers, depending on the intended operation. In general, there is a base unit with a transmitter and a receiver. Most lasers are mounted on a fully rotatable housing so that it can be pointed in any direction. The laser emerges as a thin beam of light, although some have deflectors to split the laser into one or more beams.
The laser housing usually has a screen to show the angle and pitch of the laser, indicating whether it is horizontally aligned with the ground or not. The operator can adjust the position of the laser to obtain the desired angle and then lock it.
Construction alignment lasers are used most frequently in grading, because a beam of light will remain consistently horizontal as it travels long distances. These tools are therefore used to ensure the regularity of the excavations and concrete castings, as well as to ensure the level of the beams and the pavement. When used in conjunction with a vertical laser, they can be used to ensure that multiple parts of a structure are level or plumb with each other.
You can also use a building alignment laser to measure distances, since light travels at a constant speed. When used to measure distances, the laser is pulsed and the distance is measured by the amount of time it takes for the light to reach the object and reflect back. Many creative construction crews have come up with other ways construction alignment lasers can save time, money and energy.
Construction alignment lasers can be very small in size, for applications where you may need access to a fast pocket laser, to check something for alignment or plumb. They are also available in cab-mounted models so construction workers using heavy equipment can supervise their work, as well as basic units designed to be positioned at various locations on the job site.
Like any laser technology, operators should be careful with construction alignment lasers. Appropriate eye protection must be worn and the laser must never be directed into an exposed eye. The laser must not be pointed at a highly reflective surface and must not be used by untrained personnel.