Gibraltar is a small British territory on the Mediterranean, with a population of around 28,000 people. It has a rich history, with various civilizations inhabiting the area over thousands of years. The Rock of Gibraltar is a famous landmark and tourist attraction. Gibraltar has been the subject of territorial disputes, but in the 1960s, the majority of Gibraltarians voted to remain under British control. The region has a well-developed tourist infrastructure and is easily accessible by plane, bus, car, or ferry.
Gibraltar is a tiny British territory on the Mediterranean. It covers 2.5 square miles (6.5 square km), making it the fourth smallest nation or territory in the world. The territory also has a population of approximately 28,000 people, making it the fifth most densely populated nation or territory in the world. It shares a border to the north with Spain. The most famous geographical landmark of the area is the Rock of Gibraltar, from which the territory takes its name.
People have inhabited the region that is now Gibraltar for many thousands of years. The Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Romans and Vandals were all familiar with the rock and appear to have visited it relatively frequently, and the Romans established a semi-permanent colony there.
The territory is often identified as one of the Pillars of Hercules, with the other being somewhere in Africa across the Strait of Gibraltar, although where exactly is a matter of contention. This identification comes from the Greek myth of the Twelve Labors of Hercules, in which Hercules pounded the Atlas mountain, connecting the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. For many years it was thought that the Strait actually marked the end of the world and that any ship that passed through the strait would fall off the edge of the Earth. Passing through the Strait was often associated with travel to regions outside the known world, such as mythical places like Plato’s Atlantis or Dante’s Purgatory.
The Vandals eventually took control of the area from the Romans, and it was later absorbed into the Visigothic kingdom of Hispania. In the early 8th century the territory was taken as part of the Muslim invasion of Spain, and the Moors eventually established a permanent military colony there. In the mid-15th century it was taken over by the Moors and briefly became an independent refuge for Sephardi Jews before becoming part of Spain.
The British and Dutch occupied Gibraltar in the early 18th century during the War of the Spanish Succession. When the war ended a decade later, Britain was granted sovereignty over the territory by treaty. The British built substantial defenses in the area to protect against frequent military incursions from Spain.
In the late 18th century the territory was blockaded by the Spanish during the American Revolutionary War, but the blockade was broken after four years. When the Suez Canal was opened, Gibraltar’s importance to Britain increased dramatically, helping to connect Britain with its colonies in Australia and India.
During the Second World War the Germans made numerous attempts to capture Gibraltar but none succeeded. After the war Franco began to forcefully claim ownership of the territory for Spain and severed the connections between the two regions. In the late 1960s the Gibraltarians were asked whether they would prefer to remain under British control or join Spain. The results were overwhelmingly in favor of staying with Britain, and Britain granted great autonomy to the region shortly thereafter.
In the mid-1980s Spain reopened its border with Gibraltar as part of their membership in the European Union. Spain continued to assert its right to sovereignty over the region, but relations between the two regions improved steadily.
The Rocca itself is the most impressive tourist attraction in the area, and the entire summit is occupied by a beautiful nature reserve. A museum also highlights the region’s fascinating history, displaying points of military and architectural interest. English is the main language spoken in the area, the Euro is the accepted form of currency and the tourist infrastructure is well developed, with plenty of accommodation and dining opportunities in a range of price points.
Planes arrive daily into Gibraltar from Britain and a handful of other airports. Buses often come from Spain to a town on the Spanish side of the border, and cars can cross the border, although the long waits are usually worth just walking from the Spanish side. A ferry also crosses the Strait from Algeria once a week.