Delusions of reference are a common symptom in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and dementia. Patients believe that neutral comments carry personal messages directed at them, which can come from various sources. Delusions can be related to mood or considered neutral, and may focus on various themes. Bizarre delusions cannot be proven scientifically.
Delusions of reference are a common symptom in people diagnosed with schizophrenia. Patients exhibiting this symptom may believe that neutral comments carry personal messages directed at them, which often come in negative forms. These communications could come from television, radio or from pedestrians on the street. The messages could also come from objects or events with no basis in reality. In addition to schizophrenia, symptoms may occur in patients with bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, and dementia.
People who experience delusions of reference absolutely believe that these messages are real, which could include non-verbal cues from others or actual words. They may believe that the sole purpose of an event is specifically for the dissemination of a letter to them. If the delusion involves an object, schizophrenics may believe it was placed there to send them personal information, despite evidence to the contrary.
Delusions can be related to mood or considered neutral. A depressed schizophrenic sufferer might interpret delusions of reference with a sense of condemnation. If the patient is suffering from a manic episode, the communication received may cause a sense of invincibility. When in a neutral state, the patient may feel that thoughts are being put into his head.
One study found increased neural activity in different parts of the brain when reference delusions occurred. The researchers asked personal questions intended to produce delusions and measured brain activity through MRI. Research findings indicated that brain activity increased when patients firmly believed in their delusions. Generic and impersonal questions have failed to elicit the same answers.
The delusions may focus on various themes, with persecutory delusions defining the most common symptom related to schizophrenia. These patients believe that someone is out to harm them when there is no evidence. They may think they are being followed or spied on as part of a conspiracy. Both persecutory delusions and delusions of reference fall into the category of non-bizarre symptoms, defined as probably not true, but possible.
Bizarre delusions may include delusions of control in which the patient believes that outside influences control his thoughts or actions. The patient may think that thoughts can be heard and manipulated by real or imagined people, aliens, or forces. Bizarre delusions cannot possibly occur or be proven scientifically.
Other common delusions related to mental disorders include delusions of guilt and delusions of grandeur. A schizophrenic might believe he was responsible for a negative event when the patient had nothing to do with it. He or she may feel the need for punishment for imaginary sins. Delusions of grandeur typically give the patient a sense of considerable power or talent without any proof.