Neural kinesiology combines American kinesiology and European neural therapy to address healing in four areas. Muscle testing is used to diagnose ailments and identify underlying causes, and any physician can use it. The effectiveness of the approach is debated.
Neural kinesiology is an alternative healing approach that seeks to combine elements of other methods into an effective, cohesive therapy. Combining the foundations of American kinesiology and neural therapy employed in parts of Europe, neural kinesiology addresses healing in four important areas: psychological, structural, neurological, and biochemical. Proponents of the therapy say this approach to health and healing is successful because it addresses the whole person, rather than focusing on one or two areas.
Sometimes referred to as autonomic response testing, the development of neural kinesiology is attributed to the work of Louisa Williams and Dietrich Klinghardt. The primary goal is to determine the current state of the autonomic nervous system and its role in the patient’s current associated health disorders. When the system is found to be malfunctioning at normal levels, this approach can help identify the underlying causes of the ailments, making treatment more targeted.
One of the key tools used in neural kinesiology is known as muscle testing. This bodywork example tries to diagnose ailments by touching so-called indicator muscles. These muscles are in the general area of discomfort. While muscles normally respond to touch with some degree of resistance, the response will be quite weak and indicate the presence of a health problem. The idea is that disease disrupts the natural flow of energy through the body and that blockages can be isolated and corrected using elements of American kinesiology procedures when coupled with elements of European neurotherapy.
Once specific ailments are identified, it is possible for the doctor to begin the treatment process. Nearly any type of physician can use neural kinesiology as part of the diagnosis process. Traditional health care practitioners as well as alternative practitioners can learn the basics of therapy and apply them when appropriate.
While many medical professionals around the world use neural kinesiology, there is no consensus on the effectiveness of the approach. Opponents of neural kinesiology point out that the approach does not always lead to an accurate diagnosis, while proponents point to situations where the therapy has been able to identify health problems that could not be diagnosed with traditional methods.