Bruises can result from broken blood vessels due to physical trauma, bleeding disorders, medication, vitamin deficiencies, and aging. Falls, physical injury, and blood thinners are common causes, while vitamin C and B12 deficiencies and thinning skin due to aging can also contribute.
A bruise is a discolored area of skin that usually results from broken small blood vessels. Once broken, blood vessels can leak blood into the microscopic tissues under the skin, resulting in a bruise or contusion. The causes of bruises can vary. Hard falls and various types of physical trauma are the most important causes of bruises. Bruises can also be caused by bleeding disorders, medications, vitamin deficiencies, and aging.
Hard falls and various types of physical trauma are the main causes of bruising. Falls can occur casually during everyday life or while participating in activities such as recreational or contact sports. Other types of physical trauma can also cause bruising. For example, the skin can be quite traumatized by bruising from hitting an object or being involved in an automobile accident. Also, a bruise can be caused by physical injury or assault by another person.
Bleeding disorders can also cause bruising. Sometimes, individuals who contract very easily go for long periods of time without knowing the cause. Often, after medical tests, the bruise is sometimes related to some type of bleeding disorder. More typically, the disorders involve a problem with proper blood clotting. Examples of some common blood clotting disorders that cause bruising include Von Willebrand disease and hemophilia.
Some medications can also cause bruising. For example, people who take different types of blood thinners are usually very susceptible to bruising. Blood thinners commonly include a drug such as Coumadin. Additionally, over-the-counter medications like aspirin can also thin the blood and make a person prone to bruising. While not a blood thinner, corticosteroids can also cause bruising, as they can thin the skin over time.
Causes of bruises can also include vitamin deficiencies. When a person’s body lacks essential vitamins, they can develop a vitamin deficiency. Some of the more common deficiencies include vitamin C and B12 deficiencies. Deficiencies can result from malnutrition, stress, and destructive behaviors such as smoking and drug use. Many may not know that bruising is listed as one of the many health-related side effects of a vitamin deficiency.
Also, aging can be one of the more natural causes of bruising. Generally, as people get older, they bruise more easily. For this reason, older people generally bruise more easily than younger people. This can be attributed to the occurrence of thinning skin with age. Additionally, capillary walls can also weaken over time, which can also make bruising easier.