H. pylori bacteria can cause peptic ulcers and stomach cancer by neutralizing stomach acid and thriving in the stomach. Symptoms of ulcers include pain and bloating, while stomach cancer symptoms include weight loss and vomiting. Antibiotics can treat ulcers, while chemotherapy and radiation are used for cancer.
Peptic ulcers are round sores in the stomach that occur after stomach acid has eaten through part of the stomach lining. Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, is a disease that can occur in different parts of a person’s stomach. Both ulcers and cancer are linked to a type of bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori for short.
H. pylori is a unique type of bacteria. Usually, the acidic environment in the stomach prevents bacteria from growing. In the case of H. pylori, however, the bacterium creates ammonia in the stomach, which neutralizes stomach acid and allows the bacteria to survive. White blood cells that try to attack the infection are easily killed and release nutrients that allow the H. pylori to thrive.
An untreated H. pylori infection can lead to a peptic ulcer. There are two types of these stomach ulcers: duodenal and gastric ulcers. Duodenal ulcers are found at the beginning of the small intestine and are more common than stomach ulcers, which appear in the curved upper part of the stomach.
Some symptoms of stomach ulcers include heartburn, a gnawing or empty feeling in the stomach, hunger, and mild pain below the breastbone. The pain can be relieved by eating, drinking milk or taking antacids. The ulcers typically heal and recur over time.
Recurring stomach ulcers can lead to serious complications. For example, stomach ulcers can cause the tissues in the small intestine to swell. This prevents food from leaving the stomach, which can lead to nausea, bloating and vomiting. Some peptic ulcers can rupture or bleed.
Stomach cancer can occur in any area of the stomach, although it usually starts in the inner layer of the stomach. Symptoms are often mild or non-existent in the early stages of the disease. As the cancer grows, it typically leads to symptoms such as stomach pain, trouble swallowing, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, bloating, and vomiting or bloody stools.
The presence of H. pylori is strongly linked to both stomach ulcers and cancer. Not everyone who is infected with H. pylori will develop an ulcer or cancer, but the risk is higher than in uninfected peers. Other risk factors for ulcers and cancer include smoking, obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and a family history of ulcers and cancer.
Ulcers can be treated with antibiotics. Other medications may be prescribed to reduce or neutralize stomach acid. Antacids can temporarily relieve symptoms, but they cannot heal ulcers. Stomach cancer is typically treated with chemotherapy and radiation.