Cell biologists study cells, their interactions, structures, and processes. They use various techniques to conduct experiments and work in research laboratories, government or academic institutions. A bachelor’s or master’s degree in biology or related science is required, while a Ph.D. is necessary for independent research.
Cell biologists are scientists who study cells, which are generally considered the building blocks of life because all living things are made up of one or more cells. A cell biologist works in the field of cell biology, which is also known as cytology. Cell biology studies all aspects of cells, from their interactions with each other and their environments to their cellular and atomic composition. A cell biologist usually works to conduct experiments to better understand the precise nature of cells. The cell was discovered in the mid-17th century by Robert Hooke and the field of cell biology has developed since that point.
Cell biologists are generally very concerned with investigating the processes and structures that occur and exist within cells. There are almost limitless combinations of structures and processes that any cell can contain; they vary according to the purpose of the cell. A cell biologist tends to be interested in the relationship between structures and functions. Cell biologists also tend to look for similarities between different types of cells or between cells belonging to different species. A cell biologist is also usually very interested in proteins; there are many different types of proteins in cells, and each of them has a purpose within the cell.
Many other fields of biology are closely linked to cell biology; a cell biologist may find his work related to genetics, chemistry or other fields. Cell division, for example, is the process by which cells divide to produce more cells. An important part of this process is the splitting of DNA strands; this is closely related to genetics. Physics and chemistry can also be very important, especially with regard to the molecular composition of proteins. A cell biologist, then, generally needs to be knowledgeable in a variety of different fields.
There are many techniques that a cell biologist can employ when seeking greater knowledge about a particular aspect of a cell or group of cells. One of the most important techniques is to cultivate a controlled culture of cells and ensure that no unintentional contamination enters the culture and jeopardizes the results of an experiment. Another important technique is known as transfection; involves introducing a new gene into a cell and observing the results. There are several techniques used to determine the genetic makeup of a given cell as well. An experimental cell biologist must have knowledge of these and many other techniques to carry out effective investigations into the nature of cells.
Cell biologists are often employed in research laboratories, working in government or academic institutions. They can also conduct individual searches. For some jobs, applicants need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in biology, cell biology, or related science. To conduct independent research, a Ph.D. is usually necessary. Aspiring biologists can research various employers and work environments to determine exactly what type of education will be required.