Uncountable nouns cannot be pluralized and require a measurement standard to be enumerated. Some exceptions include pluralizing different types of a thing. Indicators of uncountable nouns include “very,” “many,” “some,” and “any.” Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable depending on context. Common sense and attention to indicator words can help distinguish between count and mass nouns.
An uncountable noun is one of the difficult categories that grace the grammar of the English language. By definition, an uncountable noun is a noun that does not have a plural form and cannot be enumerated without an accompanying measurement standard. Put more simply, they are uncountable because we cannot figure out the implied amount without further information. However, as with most English grammar rules, exceptions and complications creep in right away.
The word “milk” is an example of an uncountable noun. It is considered uncountable because it could be used to refer to any amount of milk, from a teaspoon to a truckload, without having a plural form. As the general rule specifies, a standard of measurement, such as a glass or an ounce, must be provided before the amount of milk can be clearly enumerated. For example, you can’t correctly say “I have four lattes”, you have to say “I have four cartons of milk”.
However, like many sneaky uncountable nouns, there is one exception: If you’re talking about multiple types of milk, it can be pluralized, as in “Sheep, cows, and goats give milks with different tastes.” This is generally considered to be a correct use of the word, even though the noun is generally considered to be uncountable. If you’re going to pluralize an uncountable noun, make sure you’re referring to different varieties of a thing rather than multiple quantities of it.
Uncountable nouns, also called mass nouns, can also be distinguished by their combination with the words “very” and “many.” A countable noun will almost always be used with “many,” as in “I have many dogs.” An uncountable noun is most often found with a lot, as in “I have too much sugar.” This is also true with decreasing modifiers “few” or “little”. “Few” is usually found in concert with countable nouns, while “little” or “too little” goes with mass nouns.
Other indicators that you may be dealing with an uncountable noun are the words “some” and “any,” as they too are not specific. If you ask for “a toast,” you might ask for a piece or a whole loaf. With a countable noun, you should generally ask for a specific amount.
To further delight grammarians and confuse everyone else, some nouns can behave as both countable and uncountable nouns depending on the context. The word “thread”, for example, can change its classification depending on the context. You can accurately say “There’s too much thread on this spool” and “I pulled two threads out of my sweater.” In the first example, the noun is uncountable, in the second, countable.
For the most part, common sense and a good grasp of the English language will help you tell the difference between the nouns count and mass. It is advisable not to panic too much if you cannot determine whether, and under what circumstances, “beers” is acceptable as a plural. By paying close attention to the indicator words, you’ll probably discover most of the tricky nouns that decide to be uncountable.