Absinthe’s hallucinogenic effects are controversial, with some scientists attributing them to chemicals added to improve the color, while others believe it’s due to the herbs. Absinthe was once associated with a worse condition than alcoholism, but modern regulations prevent additives. Thujone limits vary by country.
One of the effects of absinthe is believed to be hallucination, although this theory is controversial. Some scientists do not believe that absinthe itself can cause any kind of hallucination. Instead, they claim that many absinthe makers used to add chemicals to the alcohol to make the liquid appear green in color; absinthe is naturally amber in colour. Thus, these chemicals, not the actual alcohol, may have caused the hallucinations, as they were often composed of various poisons.
Additionally, many other scientists believe that the effects of absinthe are hallucinogenic due to the herbs within the absinthe. This theory is based on the idea that absinthe contains both stimulants and depressants, making a person feel unbalanced. Whether or not one of the effects of absinthe is a hallucination remains to be demonstrated, although it is widely believed that people who consume large quantities of absinthe may suffer from delusion.
In fact, during the 1860s people who drank absinthe on a regular basis were thought to be suffering from “absinthe,” which was seen as a much worse condition than alcoholism. Those who have suffered the ill effects of absinthe may have done so for a reason that has very little to do with the actual ingredients contained in a bottle of absinthe. Because absinthe is traditionally served by pouring the alcohol over a sugar cube, this drink is much sweeter than most other spirits. Therefore, some speculate that because of its sweet taste, those who drank absinthe consumed more of this alcohol than any other solely for its sweet taste.
While absinthe has been banned by many countries following some studies on absinthe’s negative effects, the drink is available in almost every country today. The major difference between absinthe sold in modern times and absinthe sold during the 1800s is that modern absinthe must adhere to strict government regulations. Therefore, poisons and other additives cannot be added to a bottle of absinthe to improve the color of the liquid.
Some countries have limits on how much thujone, the active chemical inside absinthe, any liquor can contain. This is why absinthe bought in Europe can be much stronger than absinthe bought in Canada. Though absinthe’s actual effects remain largely unknown, the brilliant green alcohol that once spawned absinthe is still popular around the world today.