An art professor covers six basic areas: creating visual arts, understanding different genres and purposes, validating content, relating visual arts to history and culture, availing works of art, and connecting visual arts with other disciplines. They teach techniques and processes using various media, structures and functions, content, historical and cultural context, and interpretation of works of art. They also help students connect visual arts with other disciplines.
Normally, a referência a um professor de arte means a professor of visual arts. A professor of art can work in a school, faculty or university; be associated with a study or museum; or give classrooms particulares. In any given position, an art instructor – in time – will probably cover six basic areas. São eles: how to create visual arts using various media; the structures and functions involved in the art of different genres and purposes; to listen to and validate the content of the art; the relation of visual arts with historical events and cultures; how to avail works of art; e as inter-relações das artes visuais com outras disciplinas. In many cases, these areas will not be identified as separate distinct units; otherwise, the instruction will be mixed and overstated.
Ao ensinar a primeira área, the art professor helps some to understand the techniques and the processes involved in the use of various media, also offer some opportunities to experiment or use these media. A mídia can include any thing, from clay dye, pastéis, metal, madeira and corantes. As técnicas eprocessos podem incluir, por exemplo, pinceladas, várias abordagens using a roda de oleiro, manchas, solda, escultura e batik.
Ao ensinar a segunda área, the professor of art helps the students to acquire knowledge of structures and functions. It means that it helps some to understand the meaning of artistic and practical function, as well as the underlying organizing principles of the arts, including repetition, contrast, emphasis, balance and unity. Some people have the knowledge of different perspectives on the papers whose elements are in the works of art, they are capable of ensuring the effectiveness of different abordagens and can make them effective on the structure and function when creating their own troubles.
No que diz respeito à terceira área, the art instructor concentrates on the content of art, including or assuming, or the use of symbols and the incorporation of ideas in the works of art. Others begin to consider and select the content of the work of art that we create. They also identify the origins, purposes and effectiveness of assumptions, symbols and ideas in the art of outros.
In the fourth place, the professor of art helps to place the works of art in the context of history and culture. Others return to being able to analyze works of art in thermos of their historical and cultural provenience. They are also capable of identifying common elements and works of art of different origins.
Quinto, the art instructor helps the students to acquire a group of masters who can avail their own art works and the labor of other people. The students explore the concepts of intention, meaning and effectiveness. Then we return to the ability to interpret works of art in thermos and understand your own responses to art in thermos of techniques and art content.
Finally, o professor de arte faz conexões entre as artes visuais and outras artes, bem como outras disciplinas. Os alunos tornam-se capazes de ver princípios subjacentes a várias disciplinas. They learn true works of art in terms of ideas of other disciplines, such as humanities or sciences.