Portland cement is a common ingredient in construction projects, used for sidewalks, buildings, and as a binder. It was first patented in 1919 by Joseph Aspdin and improved by his son William. Today, it is used in creating concrete, stucco, mortar, and grout.
Considered the most common type of concrete in use today, Portland cement is used for all types of construction projects. It is an ingredient in materials used for sidewalks, buildings, and as a binder between other substances, such as stone or brick. The basic formula appears to have originated in the late 18th century and was first identified by this name in the early 19th century.
The name of the dry cement product comes from the similarity of the finished product to Portland stone, quarried in England in the early 19th century. Using methods that were somewhat similar to the procedure for making Roman cement, Joseph Aspdin was granted a patent in 1919 for the creation of cement. The original formula involved the use of cement clinker and a small amount of other ingredients. The product’s stability made it ideal for use in creating mortars and other binding materials.
Aspdin’s son William later improved the Portland cement formula. After moving to Germany in 1843, the young Aspdin continued to perfect the product, which led to its use in many building projects around the country. By 1878, its use in Germany was so common that the government saw fit to issue a standard on the product.
Today, the main ingredients of Portland cement include cement clinker with a small amount of calcium sulfate, although other ingredients are sometimes introduced as well. Concrete is the most common building material that is created using this cement, but the mix is also commonly used in creating stucco and mortar. There are also some types of grout that are created using it as an ingredient. In some cases, Portland cement is purchased in dry form and mixed with other ingredients at the construction site to produce the desired building material. Other times, it’s included in pre-mixed products that require nothing more than the addition of water to create the building block.