An eighteen-wheeler, also known as a semi-trailer or big rig, is a powerful machine used to transport commercial cargo. It has ten wheels on the tractor and eight on the trailer, and requires special training to operate.
An eighteen-wheeler is a vehicle technically known as a semi-trailer. Other common names include big rig and truck. The purpose of an eighteen wheeler is to tow its cargo contained in the trailer that is detachable from the engine. These vehicles are mainly used in the transportation of commercial cargo such as fuel, building materials, food, and other consumer products.
The tractor semi-trailer itself does not have eighteen wheels, but the addition of the trailer provides the extra wheels that give it the eighteen-wheeler name. When an eighteen-wheeler travels without a trailer, it is known as bobtailing.
The tractor part of an eighteen wheeler typically has ten wheels that are spread out over its three axles. The front wheels are called the steer wheels which steer the vehicle and the two rear axles turn the drive wheels which give the eighteen wheeler its power. The vehicle trailer has two additional rear axles that use eight wheels to support the rear end. The front of the trailer sits on top of the tractor’s rear drive wheels and is attached by what is known as the fifth wheel.
An eighteen-wheeler is a powerful machine, and as such is built very differently than smaller trucks and passenger vehicles. First, the average length of an eighteen wheeler towing a trailer is about 80 feet (24.4 m) long. It typically has 10 speeds, instead of five in cars with standard transmissions, two of which are used for reverse. An eighteen-wheeler stops with a combination of ten hydraulic and pneumatic brakes instead of the four brakes on passenger cars.
Also, the average eighteen-wheeler weighs about 40 tons (36,287,389 6 kg) compared to an average of 2.5 tons (2,267,961 85 kg) and therefore takes almost twice as long to stop as the average car or truck. van. Stopping a tractor trailer can be even more difficult when hauling heavier loads or in inclement weather conditions.
Driving an eighteen wheeler requires special training and skill due to the vast size, weight and difference in mechanics of the vehicles than passenger vehicles. In the United States, a person must have a Class A CDL to operate an eighteen-wheeler. Additional regulations apply depending on the type of cargo to be transported, such as hazardous materials. In Europe, drivers must obtain an EC driver’s license and in Australia, a class HR or HC license. Most countries in the world have regulations and requirements for the operation of an eighteen wheeler.