Net profit margin is the profit left after taxes and expenses have been paid. It is calculated by dividing net profit after tax by sales generated. A higher net profit margin is desirable, and it helps companies compare their performance to competitors.
Net profit margin is a figure that identifies how much profit remains after all taxes and other expenses related to operating the business have been settled. There are several approaches used to calculate this type of margin, and most of the methods are just small variations on a core strategy. The calculation of the net profit margin is considered important, since this figure represents the actual profit generated by the company during the period considered.
Determining the net profit margin percentage typically involves the simple formula of dividing net profit after tax by the amount of sales generated during the same period. This is the most common approach, and is generally considered an accurate way to determine true margin. There are cases in which the company may choose to also include any interest paid to business owners in the calculation. The important point is to always use the same formula, which makes it easy to compare the margin from one period to the next.
Because the net profit margin is expressed in percentage terms, it helps the company get a good idea of how it is doing compared to competitors, even though its actual sales volume may be different. For example, if a company generates sales of $50,000 in United States dollars (USD) during a particular period and has a net profit margin of 12 percent, this translates to a pure profit of $6,000.00 USD. By comparison, a competitor with sales of $75,000.00 USD and a net profit margin of 8 percent would also post a pure profit of $6,000.00 USD. From a market performance perspective, both companies are on par when it comes to net profit, even though their sales volumes and net profit margins are different.
For the most part, a business will strive to have the highest net profit margin possible. This means finding ways to make goods and services for sale at the lowest possible cost while maintaining quality that will attract customers and result in actual sales. Other factors within the operation may also be considered, such as expenses related to sales and marketing efforts, transportation of finished products to customers, and any other expenses related to the production of the products. Calculating net profit margin helps a company see how well it is doing with available resources and gives them an opportunity to make changes if they notice the margin is starting to drop.
Smart Asset.