Allergic responses can range from minor symptoms like itchy eyes to life-threatening anaphylaxis. Common symptoms include nasal irritation, skin reactions, and stomach pain. Anaphylaxis can occur with exposure to certain foods, medicines, or insect bites and is a medical emergency. It is important to recognize the signs and carry an Epi-pen or wear a medical bracelet if at risk.
An allergic response can be described as the types of symptoms the body expresses when exposed to an allergen. These can be relatively minor, such as the itchy eyes or nose that some people may experience after coming into contact with pollen, or the allergic response can be significantly more severe and sometimes life-threatening. There is considerable diversity in the types of allergies, and people who share the same allergies don’t always share the same reaction.
One of the most common types of allergic response is irritation of the nasal passages, resulting in a runny or stuffy nose. Along with this, the eyes may feel red or irritated. This response is typically associated with things like pollen allergies and called hay fever, but contact with mold or dust mites can also cause it.
Some people with allergic rhinitis have more extensive symptoms. The respiratory tract could be involved resulting in mild to severe cough or asthma. The airways can narrow making breathing difficult in the presence of allergens. People may not always have an asthmatic response when they come into contact with irritating sources, but the risk is very clear. Given the possibility of asthma occurring, people usually need to have at least one fast-acting inhaler on hand to get treatment quickly, and it should be noted that allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis do not necessarily occur Together.
The allergic response should not involve the nose, eyes or respiratory tract. Some people show signs of allergy with a skin reaction and may develop hives if they come into contact with an external irritant or if they ingest something that creates a systemic response. Identifying the source of hives (hives) can be difficult because it can be caused by thousands of different things. The common treatment for this, as with the treatment for rhinitis, is antihistamines, which stop the histamine reaction and soothe the skin.
One type of reaction that most people may not consider to be an allergic response is severe stomach pain or cramping. Sometimes people show allergies when they ingest certain foods. This could manifest itself as stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation. This is a rarer reaction than basic hay fever or even allergic asthma or hives.
Arguably the most severe type of allergic response is anaphylaxis. This is a whole body reaction to exposure to an allergen and can occur when people are allergic to certain foods such as peanuts or shellfish or to certain medicines, such as penicillin. It can also result from insect bites or stings, or from venomous snake bites.
Anaphylaxis does not usually occur on first exposure to the allergen, except potentially in reptile bites. In most cases it occurs with subsequent exposure and with greater severity with each contact. Many things are happening at the same time that are dangerous.
A rash or hives may occur, the lips and tongue may feel swollen, and the airways begin to close. The danger is immediate, and most people who know they have these life-threatening allergies carry an Epi-pen, an easy-to-inject dose of adrenaline, to stop the reaction. If this is not available, other symptoms such as vomiting, low blood pressure and fainting or loss of consciousness may occur. It should be noted that anaphylaxis should always be considered a life-threatening emergency.
Those who have had anaphylactic responses in the past are also advised to wear a medical bracelet or necklace to warn others. As this condition can very easily be fatal without proper management, it is important that people treat it with the respect it deserves. On the other hand, early anaphylactic reactions tend to be unexpected because the first time the body was exposed to a particular allergen it didn’t react as severely. To be safe, all people should learn to recognize the signs of this very serious allergic response so they can get emergency help if they recognize this response in themselves or someone else.