Hemiparesis is muscle weakness on one side of the body, often caused by brain or spinal cord damage from conditions like stroke, cancer, or trauma. Treatment includes physical therapy and addressing the underlying condition.
Hemiparesis is a condition characterized by weakness on one side of the body. It is related to hemiplagia, where one side of the body is actually paralyzed, rather than just weakened. There are a number of reasons people develop hemiparesis, with the condition usually occurring as a secondary complication of another medical problem. Treatment options vary depending on why the patient has developed hemiparesis.
The muscle weakness characteristic of hemiparesis can be caused by lesions in the spinal cord that damage the nerves that innervate those muscles, leading to weakness. Brain damage can also lead to muscle weakness. Stroke is one of the classic reasons people develop hemiparesis, and sometimes muscle weakness is one of the key stroke symptoms that lands patients in the hospital.
Brain damage from head injuries, cancerous growths in the brain, or disease can also lead to the development of muscle weakness. Muscle weakness will appear in the side of the body that corresponds to the area of the brain that has been damaged. Spinal cord damage can include damage caused by trauma, such as in a car accident, fall, or injury sustained in a fight. Conditions such as multiple sclerosis and some cancers can also cause spinal cord injuries that interfere with nerve function.
When a patient presents with hemiparesis, the first step is to determine the origins of the muscle weakness. Medical imaging studies can be used to isolate the location of the damage, and the patient will also typically be interviewed to take a medical history for the purpose of identifying obvious risk factors. If a patient claims to have multiple sclerosis, for example, the doctor will likely attribute the hemiparesis to this condition and may conduct tests to confirm.
Treatment may include treating the underlying condition with the goal of resolving the hemiparesis or halting its progress. Physical therapy is also an important part of treatment. The therapy helps patients regain control of their muscles and develop more muscle strength. A physical therapist can also provide a patient with adaptive tips and tricks that will help the patient navigate a world that was designed for people with full muscle strength in both sides of the body. Assistive devices such as braces, walkers, and wheelchairs can also be used to help patients who have difficulty walking due to hemiparesis.