Chimney ventilation uses the thermal chimney effect to circulate air, drawing in cooler air from outside to replace warm air leaving a space. It is effective in buildings with dedicated systems and large temperature differences. Stack ventilation systems require few mechanical components and use natural movement to expel hot air and draw in cool air. Dedicated chimney systems have hot vents at roof level and cold vents along lower exterior walls, creating a constant crossflow ventilation pattern. Advantages include flexibility in vent placement, stable airflow, and sustainability, while disadvantages include lower airflow force than wind ventilation and dependence on temperature differentials.
Chimney ventilation is a natural ventilation method based on spontaneous air circulation caused by the thermal chimney effect. This natural phenomenon causes warm air to rise in an enclosed space and seek an exit. As warm air leaves space, it creates a partial vacuum that draws in cooler air from the outside atmosphere to replace it. This cycle will continuously introduce cooler air into the room, thus effectively regulating the temperature and ensuring a constant supply of fresh air. This heat and air exchange system is most effective in buildings with dedicated chimney ventilation systems and where large differences in external and internal temperatures favor the chimney effect.
The natural phenomenon of warm air rising above cooler air is quite well known and forms the basis for all chimney ventilation systems. As the air is heated, the molecules move further apart, making the air less dense and more buoyant. The body or column of air in any enclosed space will always be hotter towards the top of the space due to this effect. Stack ventilation systems use this natural movement to expel hot air and draw cool, cool air into a space. These systems are particularly efficient because they require very few mechanical components to function properly.
Dedicated chimney air exchange systems will typically feature a series of hot vents at roof level and cold vents along the lower portions of the exterior walls. The hot air outlets should ideally be positioned as high up as possible; the chimney effect becomes more pronounced as the distance between the entry and exit points increases. Larger multi-story buildings usually have a central hot air duct leading to the roof of the structure with ceiling-level hot air vents on each floor. The fresh air intakes are therefore usually supplied with air which is processed in a separate cold air duct by fans. This duct will have a series of ground level vents.
As the air in the interior space begins to warm up, it will naturally rise to the upper regions of the space and exit the warm vents. As it does so, the low-pressure vacuum left in its wake draws cool, cooler air into the area through the cold vents. This cycle sets a constant crossflow ventilation pattern that keeps the area supplied with fresh air. Since this cycle is based on a temperature difference between the external and internal air columns, chimney ventilation systems are particularly effective during the winter months.
Pile ventilation has a number of advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when choosing a ventilation system. The main advantages of stack ventilation systems include flexibility in the placement of vents, non-dependence on wind patterns, stable airflow and sustainability. Disadvantages of this type of system are lower airflow force than wind ventilation, dependence on temperature differentials, and design limitations related to ceiling height. Despite the drawbacks, these systems are generally effective, low-cost, and environmentally friendly air exchange options.