Skeleton keys come in two types: the classic design for secured locks and the master key for various locks. Antique skeleton keys have ornate bows and plain inserts, while modern ones have plates facing outward. Master keys can open any lock within a given family or location.
Two types of keys are referred to as skeleton keys. The first is the classic key design that fits into a secured lock, which has been in use for about two thousand years. The second is a master key, a key designed to fit a wide variety of locks. Antique skeleton keys aren’t used much except in old homes and antique furniture but master keys are a part of many people’s daily lives such as locksmiths or people who have homes or businesses with a number of doors or locking devices .
An antique skeleton key classically has a long handle, a plain point, and an ornately decorated bow. The arch is the section that is held by the person entering it. Many old-fashioned skeleton keys were made during an era when elaborate metalwork was valued, so the bow may have ornate decoration and ornamentation to make it more distinctive. The insert is the section of a key that is actually inserted into the door, and in the case of a skeleton key the insert is very plain and capable of opening a large number of doors with locks similar enough for the key to work.
Originally, these keys were paired with an armored lock. A secured lock uses a series of plates inside the lock that face outward, rather than running parallel to the side of the key, as is the case with modern keys. A key fitting a guarded lock would fit between these plates and the top of the key would fit into a depression designed to hold it in place as the key was turned, forcing the guards aside and opening the lock. These locks were designed centuries ago and were used extensively until the early 20th century when more secure locks were devised. To obtain a skeletonized key, consumers can search antique stores or have one custom made by a company that supplies antique keys.
Due to the adaptability of the skeleton key, the term has also been adopted to refer to a passkey or master key. A master key is capable of opening any lock within a given lock family or location. For example, many drivers have a master key that can operate in the ignition and open all car doors along with the trunk and fuel filler cap, versus a parking key, which only operates the ignition and driver’s door . In another common case, a business may have a number of locking doors that can all be unlocked with one master key, but actually have separate locks, allowing the business to give people keys to offices and bathrooms that are not effective throughout the company. Many hotels also use this technique, giving maids a key to rooms, but guests individual keys to their rooms.