Marble cladding is a thin panel material that can be used to overlay many different building materials. It is expensive due to its difficulty in working with, but can be used in a variety of settings. Marble is a metamorphic rock that can be polished and varies in color. Thin sheets of marble are cut and polished to create the cladding. Marble can be brittle and warp, and can trap moisture, causing mold and mildew. Experienced companies should be used to install or remove marble cladding. Carved or matte-finished panels can also be installed.
Marble cladding is a cladding material for structures made with thin marble panels. Marble can be an expensive cladding material due to the fact that working with this stone can be difficult and can be used in a variety of settings. Marble cladding can be overlaid on many different building materials, and it is possible to retrofit a building to add marble cladding or remove it, as appropriate.
Marble is a metamorphic rock that has been treasured for centuries as a material to be used in construction and art. It notoriously takes a polish very well and can vary in color depending on the impurities present in the rock. Marble also shimmers as a result of crystallization in the rock, and can be marked with swirls and streaks of color that make it visually interesting.
To make the marble coverings, thin sheets of marble are cut and polished. The sheets are bolted to a building, with some companies using specialist glues to ensure the panels stay in place. A building with a marble facade can use different shades of marble to create a pattern or to add a more dynamic look to the building. Like other types of cladding, marble serves as the first defense against the elements, keeping rain, dirt and wind from entering a building.
There are some problems with the marble cladding. Marble can be very brittle and can crack or split when being installed or during an earthquake when the building is subjected to strain. The coating can also warp and there have been documented durability issues in many regions of the world. Also, like other types of stone cladding, marble can act to trap moisture within a building’s framework, which can contribute to mold, mildew, and structural problems over time.
Companies that specialize in installing siding should be used to equip a building with marble siding. Ideally, they should have experience with marble, as this rock can be temperamental, and experienced cladding companies can adjust it quicker and more securely. Conversely, if people need to have the trim removed, they should consult experts to remove the panels with minimal damage, whether they are reinstalled later or permanently removed.
In addition to flat, high-gloss panels, builders can also install carved or matte-finished panels, depending on the desired look. Sculpted marble cladding appears in various forms of classical architecture, when the ornamentation of buildings was highly valued.