Medical waste is created by healthcare facilities, research facilities, and pharmaceutical companies. It is divided into four categories: infectious, radioactive, hazardous, and general waste. Infectious waste must be managed and contained to avoid the spread of infections. Disposal is governed by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and is typically done through incineration or landfilling, but alternative methods are being developed.
Medical waste is solid waste created by the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of people or animals. It can also be the product of research and testing of organic products. This term is specifically defined by the Medical Waste Tracking Act 1988.
Two million tons of medical waste is produced every year. Most come from hospitals, but other sources include doctors’ offices, dental offices, research facilities, laboratories, and veterinary offices. Even companies that produce pharmaceutical products produce large quantities of this waste.
Medical waste is generally divided into one of four categories: infectious, radioactive, hazardous, and general waste. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that approximately 15% of waste is infectious. Infectious waste is that which can cause harm to people or the environment and this category includes items such as bandages, surgical gloves, surgical instruments, needles and microbial plates, cultures and cloths. Other types include waste found in household trash cans, such as paper or plastic.
Infectious waste must be managed and contained to avoid the spread of infections, toxins and pollutants. If these materials enter the body, they can lead to serious illness. The safe containment and transportation of biomedical waste is a necessity for healthcare organizations, pharmaceutical companies, veterinary practices, and other similar environments.
Medical waste should be stored in airtight containers placed in a cool, dark place such as a refrigerator. The lid of the container must be leak-proof and cannot be punctured, and the container must be labeled appropriately and marked as biohazardous material. Disinfectants should be placed in close proximity to waste in case of spillage. Anything that comes into contact with this waste should be considered medical waste and treated in the same way.
Disposal of medical waste is governed by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Most of this regulated medical waste goes to one of the 2,400 incinerators in the United States. At temperatures of 650 to 900 degrees Celsius (1202-1652 degrees Fahrenheit), waste is burned. However, these incinerators pose a health hazard, as they release pollutants such as carbon monoxide, lead and mercury into the air.
Another option for disposing of some types of biomedical waste is to landfill it. However, they consume the earth’s precious resources and scientists fear that the time will come when there will be no more space in landfills. Medical waste managers are working to develop alternative methods of disposal that do not pose threats to health or the environment.