Sky lobbies are used in tall buildings to separate the building into different zones and make elevator travel more comfortable. Each lobby has local elevators that only serve one section of the building, while an express elevator travels between lobbies. This system reduces congestion and delays for elevator travelers.
A sky lob is used in super tall buildings, such as skyscrapers, to make travel between elevators comfortable for all passengers. These are mezzanines used to section the building. Most of these buildings have an elevator, called an express elevator, that travels only between the different floors of the sky lobby. Between each sky lobby, there are local elevators that take you to all floors in that section of the building. The number of local lifts in each section typically ranges up to 10, with up to five in a row to make walking between lifts easier for visitors and employees.
In very large buildings, there are numerous floors with a constant flow of visitors and workers moving between floors. If each elevator served the entire building, most people would encounter a series of stops for others to get off before reaching their desired floor. This would make elevator travel in large buildings uncomfortable and result in huge delays for most elevator travellers.
To alleviate this problem, a sky lob is used. This lob serves as a disconnect device separating the entire building into different zones. In each hall there are separate elevators that take travelers only to one floor in that area. For example, if there is a 20-story building and each lob serves five floors, the first lob would have elevators for floors one through five, and the second lob would serve floors six through 10.
Even getting to a lob of the sky is simplified. In addition to the local elevators serving each lobby area, there is also an express elevator. This elevator or set of elevators travels between lobby areas only. In this case, even if the traveler needs the upper lob area and the elevator stops in every other lobby, the traveler will still experience only a few stops. Most buildings contain only a few lobbies, so the express elevator ride would be easy for all visitors and workers.
Depending on the architecture, there may be 10 local elevators for each sky lobby area. These local elevators are usually placed at opposite ends of the hall, so the area doesn’t become congested. Each local elevator will only service several floors in the lobby area, so those needing one of the lower floors won’t get in the way of people needing a higher floor.