Poetry is structured with rhythm and often rhymes, while prose is closer to natural speech. Both express emotion and tell stories, but prose is more rigid in grammar. Poetry uses symbolic language and sound, while prose can combine narration and dialogue. Writing effectively in both forms depends on the individual writer.
The main difference between poetry and prose is that poetry is generally written using a particular rhythm while prose is written closer to natural speech. The poem is more structured and is often laid out in clear lines that fit into a certain pattern. It also commonly rhymes, while prose does not.
A structured form of writing is the main difference between poetry and prose. While most forms of writing typically use literary elements such as alliteration or narration, poetry is constructed from one of several structures, including alternating rhymed and non-rhymed lines. Even free verse poetry, which usually doesn’t rhyme, fits into some form or structure.
Both poetry and prose are generally creative in nature and are used to express emotion or to tell a story. While poetry is more structured in terms of the format in which it is written, prose is generally more rigid in terms of grammatical correctness. Prose is typically made up of complete sentences that convey specific thoughts or feelings. The poem is often more abstract or vague with words being written as they come and less attention given to correct grammar rules.
Prose is the form of writing most commonly associated with novels and creative non-fiction works. It can still follow certain rhythms and cadences in the way words flow, but is less rigid in nature. Long sentences are often followed by shorter or more moving ones for dramatic effect. Prose can also combine the use of narration and dialogue, or talk between two characters. That’s not to say that poetry can’t tell a story, but it’s often less detailed.
While both poetry and prose are an art form, some would argue that prose is more difficult to write effectively. Because many forms of poetry lack the typical rules required by most forms of word composition, there is no right or wrong way to write a poem. Some poems obviously have a greater emotional impact than others, but it is more difficult to gauge the correctness of a poem than other forms of creative writing, since there are no clear rules to follow.
Poems often make use of the sounds a word makes combined with the literal meaning. Poetry is often written in symbolic language, while prose is typically more literal in nature. As with all creative arts, exactly how both forms are written has more to do with the individual writer rather than rules and restrictions. Writing is not an exact science in terms of creative expression. While the rules of grammar should be followed for clarity, the flow and cadence of a work can vary from story to story, with one not necessarily being greater than the other.