A trending market is when a stock market or securities index moves in a particular direction. Brokers and investors capitalize on trends, while analysts monitor market activity to determine the economy’s health. During times of economic growth, banks lower lending standards, leading to bullish sentiment. Investors take advantage of bull markets by buying stocks while prices are rising. Others buy put options during bear markets. Analysts monitor markets to see how tax policies affect the economy, and a recovering stock market is often the first sign of an economic recovery.
A trending market is defined as a period of time during which a stock market or other type of securities index appears to move in a particular direction. When the stock market systematically increases in value, analysts usually refer to the market as bullish, while a bear market is one in which asset prices trend downward. Brokers and investors attempt to capitalize on trends as analysts monitor market activity to determine the overall health of the economy.
Stock investors attempt to generate money by buying stocks at low prices and then selling those same stocks at much higher prices. During times of economic growth, banks lower lending standards and credit becomes more readily available. This usually leads to bullish sentiment and as large numbers of people compete for stocks and stocks, the imbalance between supply and demand drives up the prices of these stocks. Various indices track the average price of stocks from one day to the next, and many investors look at these indices for evidence of a trending market. Investors try to take advantage of a bull market by buying stocks while prices are still rising, then selling those stocks before prices start falling.
While many investors tend to look for signs of a bull market, others take advantage of bear markets by buying put options. These contracts require one party to agree to buy a security from another investor for a specified price at a future date. If market data suggests that prices are likely to continue falling, a bearish investor can buy a put option contract so that he can lock in a sell price based on a security’s current value and then sell the item for that price into the future even if the market value of the instrument falls. Also, rather than buying based on a trending market, some investors buy and sell securities against market trends. If prices look set to rise beyond a reasonable amount, an investor can take that trend as evidence of a market bubble and sell their assets before the bubble bursts and prices collapse.
Analysts employed by government agencies and private companies monitor the markets to see how tax policies are affecting the economy. During times of recession, a government agency can lower interest rates to encourage spending needed to stimulate growth. After making such a move, analysts will monitor market trends to see if the policy decision has had an impact on market activity. A recovering stock market is often the first sign of an economic recovery.
Smart Asset.