Performance measures determine whether an individual, project, or investment is performing as it should. In finance, investors use various metrics to assess whether to invest in a stock, bond, or mutual fund. Return on capital, return on investment, and price/earnings ratio are important performance metrics. These objective measurements allow investors to compare investments and determine if they are performing as expected. Companies also use performance measures to gauge project or employee performance.
A performance measure is a mechanism used to determine whether an individual, project, or investment is performing as it should. In other words, it is a scale or test used to determine if things are going well. The simplest example of a performance measure exists in the grades students earn in school: a student who receives an A is considered to have performed well, and a student who receives an F is considered to have performed poorly.
In finance, a performance measure is used to determine whether an investment is a good deal. Investors look at various metrics or measures to assess whether to put their money into a stock, bond, or mutual fund. The measurements are an indicator to these investors as to whether the investment has performed well in the past and will continue to do so in the future.
There are several mechanisms used to measure performance in the financial sector. For example, a stock can be measured by its price/earnings ratio. This is a relationship in which the price per share of the stock is compared to the cost of the share. The price/earnings, or P/E, ratio of several different stocks can be compared to assess whether one stock is better than the other.
Return on capital and return on investment are other important performance metrics within the investing field. Return on investment refers to how much a person’s money would have earned if they had invested it in a certain investment. Return on equity refers to the amount of profit a company made in light of how much money it spent.
These metrics are important as performance measures because they allow you to compare a stock or mutual fund against other investment opportunities. For example, to compare a stock that costs $1 US dollar (USD) per share and a stock that costs $10 USD per share, you must use some metric that allows you to compare the shares on an equal footing. An investor can use these objective measurements to determine whether an investment is performing as expected and how its performance compares to other investments within the industry and the broader market.
Just like when a student receives a grade, a performance measure can help companies gauge whether a project went well or whether an employee did well. For example, if stock picks from a given investment broker generally perform better than stock picks from another broker, the company will want to know that. You should use an objective performance measurement system to compare the two employees to determine if one or both of them are doing a good job relative to the other.
Smart Asset.