Almond allergies can cause mild symptoms like watery eyes or a rash, but can also be life-threatening with symptoms like swelling of the face or throat and difficulty breathing. Skin problems like hives and eczema are common, as well as gastrointestinal issues and respiratory symptoms. Anaphylaxis is a severe and potentially fatal reaction that requires immediate medical attention. Epinephrine may be prescribed as a life-saving emergency treatment.
An allergic reaction to almonds can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on the severity of the allergy. Mild symptoms may include watery eyes, a mild rash, or nasal congestion. More serious signs of an allergy can involve itching, hives or difficulty breathing. A serious reaction can be life-threatening and can include swelling of the face or throat, inability to breathe, and partial or total loss of consciousness. Any potential allergy symptoms should be treated as a medical emergency, as they can become fatal within minutes.
In most cases, an allergic reaction to almonds causes some sort of skin problem. This may result in the appearance of a rash that may or may not be itchy or red around the mouth after consuming a product containing this culinary nut. A type of rash known as hives may develop involving raised, red areas of skin that may itch or burn. Those with a mild allergy to almonds can develop a skin condition known as eczema.
A drop in blood pressure may also occur, causing the patient to feel dizzy or lightheaded. Gastrointestinal disturbances, such as nausea, cramps, or diarrhea, may also occur. These symptoms may not be easily associated with an almond allergy unless a doctor orders allergy testing or more severe symptoms develop.
People who are allergic to almonds often have respiratory symptoms as well. In milder cases, this can lead to itching, watery eyes or nasal congestion. A runny nose, sneezing, or worsening of asthma symptoms may also occur. If breathing becomes difficult or painful, a more serious type of allergic reaction may be the cause, and emergency medical attention is imperative.
Anaphylaxis is a medical term used to describe a severe and potentially life-threatening type of allergic reaction. Symptoms may start with itching, a rash, and swelling of the lips. The tongue and throat may then begin to swell, making breathing difficult or even impossible. Without immediate medical attention, loss of oxygen in the body can cause permanent brain damage or death within minutes. For this reason, those diagnosed with an almond allergy may be prescribed an injectable drug known as epinephrine, which is designed to be used as a life-saving emergency treatment in the event of anaphylaxis.