Low progesterone levels can cause varied symptoms in both men and women, with women being more affected due to its role in protecting pregnancy and regulating menstrual cycles. Symptoms can include irregular periods, fertility issues, decreased libido, and memory problems. While some symptoms are normal, others can be dangerous and may require medical attention. Women should consult a doctor if they suspect low progesterone levels.
Progesterone is an important hormone produced by both men and women. Women rely more on progesterone, especially to do things like protect an ongoing pregnancy and keep menstrual cycles regular. When women don’t get enough of this hormone, they can experience low progesterone symptoms, which can be extremely varied and affect many systems in the body.
Symptoms of low progesterone can manifest as directly related to the menstrual cycle, fertility, and reproductive problems. Some common symptoms include menstrual cycle irregularities, severe cramping during menstruation, increased incidence of PMS, and more blood clots during periods. When progesterone levels are very low, infertility can occur because ovulation does not occur. Another affected aspect may be sexual desire or libido, which may be reduced.
These low progesterone symptoms aren’t always dangerous. A female body’s production of progesterone naturally decreases 10 to 12 days after ovulation, unless a woman becomes pregnant. This decrease triggers the onset of menstruation and can lead to some of the normal symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle, such as cramping and PMS. When periods are irregular, however, it can suggest a major imbalance in progesterone levels or other important hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle.
It is also important to understand that menopause causes a reduction in progesterone and this can be responsible for some menopausal symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes, decreased libido and insomnia. Other symptoms of low progesterone can affect women before and after menopause. People can feel tired, have dry skin, suffer from insomnia, suffer from depression, and are likely to gain weight.
Sometimes the symptoms of low progesterone can be more dangerous. Chronic depression or anxiety, for example, could lead to suicidal behavior. Low progesterone levels can create dysfunction of the thyroid gland and, more seriously, some forms of cancer may be more likely, including uterine cancer.
Another possible set of symptoms associated with low progesterone are those that affect memory. People can experience memory loss or lack of mental acuity when levels of this hormone are well below normal. These symptoms can be directly related to low thyroid hormone. If low progesterone causes hypothyroidism, this in turn can cause memory and concentration difficulties. Alternatively, both hormones aid mental acuity, and a lack of both makes the decline in mental acuity more severe.
If you think you have low progesterone levels, you should see your doctor. Many women have some of these symptoms but never get checked because their low progesterone symptoms aren’t too bothersome. Occasionally, slightly reduced levels of progesterone are of little concern, but some women find help if they take additional progesterone hormone. There are some over-the-counter natural progesterone creams you can buy, but if you really feel like your body needs supplementation with this hormone, you should see a doctor first.