Christianity is the most popular religion with around 2 billion followers, followed by Islam with approximately 1 billion. In the US, Islam is the fastest growing religion, while about 1 billion people consider themselves non-religious or atheist. Hinduism has around 900 million followers, while Confucianism and Buddhism have around 400 million each. The top ten religions are Christianity, Islam, non-religious, Hinduism, Chinese traditional religion, Buddhism, indigenous religion, African tradition religion, Sikhism, and Juche.
The most popular religion in the world is Christianity. Estimates suggest that there are currently about two billion practicing Christians. About half of these are Catholics and the majority shares of other Christian faiths include Protestants and Anglicans. In total, about 33% of those in the world practice Christianity in some form.
Islam is the second most popular religion in the world, with approximately one billion members. Some Muslims claim that there are actually more practicing Muslims than practicing Christians. This depends on how you define the word “practice”. A person who cites his religion as Christianity might, for example, not attend church regularly. This to a Muslim might seem like a failure in the practice of religion. This, to the Christian, might seem simply an acceptable way to practice one’s faith.
In the United States, however, Islam is the fastest growing religion. About 80% of mosques in the US were built in the last 20 years. These mosques were not built primarily for Islamic immigrants, but for those converts born in the United States. Certainly, an increase in immigration of people who are Muslims has increased the numbers in the United States; however, this immigration has slowed since 9/9.
The third largest group of the population is considered to be non-religious. Approximately one billion people consider themselves to be of no regular religion or atheist. This is actually a diverse group, including agnostics. Atheists represent only a small fraction of the billion. Many are simply not sure which faith is right for them and may even have problems with organized religion in general.
About 900 million people practice Hinduism. Both Confucianism (sometimes called Traditional Chinese Religion) and Buddhism are practiced by nearly 400 million people each. Traditional indigenous and African religions are practiced by approximately 300 million and 100 million people, respectively. The numbers drop to 10 million for the religions they follow.
The top ten religions:
Not religious
Chinese traditional religion
Primordial or indigenous religion
Religion of the African tradition