Business acumen is the ability to make quick and profitable decisions, often associated with financial and behavioral literacy. It can be developed through coursework, simulations, and psychological assessments. Companies may use these methods to train or evaluate employees for acumen.
There are several schools of thought on business acumen, although it is generally considered the ability to make good decisions quickly that ultimately prove profitable. Two things that are often associated with it are financial literacy, which involves an understanding of finance and behavioral economics, which is the study of how and why individuals and institutions make the financial choices they do. Some of the conflicting and complementary opinions on the subject suggest that it involves leadership, a focus on human resources, and the ability to combine topics such as financial literacy and business literacy. There are several methods for developing or improving business acumen, including coursework, simulations, and personal psychological assessments.
While the definition of business acumen is simply the ability to make good business decisions quickly, there may be disagreement in some quarters about what this actually entails. The disagreement is not necessarily about the definition, but about how this particular form of insight is achieved. Some sources suggest that business acumen requires specific insight into how the business world operates and the ability to execute profitable decisions based on this knowledge. Others suggest that specific financial and business literacy knowledge is required and that an individual must be able to see and predict where and how it will affect the other. Another interpretation is that a successful entrepreneur must have a quality known as business intelligence and be able to interpret data through that lens.
Some schools have curricula designed to help students develop their business acumen. These are common across various business schools and typically involve a variety of learning methods, such as seminars and workshops with both theoretical and practical components. Some forms of business acumen training may also include industry-specific information and hands-on training from successful entrepreneurs.
Many companies place a lot of emphasis on the idea of business acumen. They can look to hire people with the required qualities or use one of several methods to build acumen in their existing workforce. One way companies can attempt to train their existing managers is through business simulation. These types of training programs can enable junior and mid-level managers to gain real-world experience in making important financial decisions that can lead to an improvement in their acumen.
Some companies may also use psychological evaluations to determine potential business acumen in their employees. These assessments can test an employee’s knowledge of topics such as financial literacy, as well as determine whether they have particular personality traits. This may be due to the thought that acumen has a personality-based component as well as requiring specific trading knowledge.