Periphrasis is the use of descriptive phrases instead of a single word. It can be used for effect in writing or to soften a message in speech. In academic writing, concise language is preferred, while frequent use of periphrasis in speech may indicate neurological problems. It is normal in early language development and for second language learners.
Periphrasis, also called circumlocution, is the replacement of a descriptive phrase with a noun or verb. In writing it can be used deliberately for effect, or it can mean inexperience with the writing or with the subject matter. In spoken language, the frequent use of periphrasis suggests difficulty finding a word or may result from a social attempt to soften a message. Having trouble finding words can be a sign of a developmental problem or it can signify underlying neurological damage.
The use of periphrasis in writing and speech results in long, descriptive passages. Authors sometimes choose to use an elaborate phrase in place of a single word to set a tone or emphasize a subtle aspect of a word’s meaning. For example, an author might choose to write “the last fading rays of heat slipped behind the mountain” rather than “sunset” for effect in a work of fiction. The same sentence in a scientific paper on the sun would be ill-received. Similarly, periphrasis can be used to soften or politicize a message, such as “many people have been encouraged to find more fulfilling work” instead of “many people have been fired”.
Academic and professional writing typically seeks to avoid periphrasis in favor of a more concise and clear style. Elaborate phrasing in these contexts suggests a lack of vocabulary or a lack of command of the subject. In American English, concise writing is considered the most authoritative form. Phrases such as “in the nature of” or “such that” often indicate where the writing can be simplified. Conversely, writing that is too concise can appear cold and dry.
In spoken language, frequent use of periphrasis often indicates problems finding words or remembering the desired word at the time of speaking. This can be a normal function of aging, but it can also occur in conjunction with a stroke, brain injury, or in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. When used to compensate for true word-finding problems, periphrasis can be essential to the speaker’s ability to communicate. Frequent or increasing cases of difficulty finding a word should be discussed with the speaker’s doctor, as they may be among the first symptoms of a neurological disease or disorder.
Developmentally, periphrasis is normal in early language development. Very young children don’t have the vocabulary to label everything, so sentence substitutions are a common strategy. “The croquette place,” for example, is a typical way for a two-year-old to ask for a favorite restaurant. Similarly, second language learners may resort to descriptive phrases when they lack the vocabulary needed to communicate effectively.