Nano naps last between 15 and 30 seconds, usually occurring involuntarily when tired or bored. While napping is beneficial, nano napping’s benefits are dubious. Napping refreshes and recharges, with a 20-minute power nap being optimal. Falling asleep at work or in class could be a symptom of a health problem, and integrating naps into your routine can be helpful.
A nano nap is a period of sleep that lasts between 15 and 30 seconds. It’s usually involuntary and often occurs when people are incredibly tired and bored. Many office workers and students are familiar with the concept, thanks to falling asleep during meetings and classes. While napping in general is thought to be beneficial, the benefits of nano napping are dubious, since you generally don’t sleep long enough to truly relax.
Falling asleep appears to benefit humans in several ways. Sleep promotes general healing, relaxation and normal hormone levels. Unconsciousness also appears to play an important role in the storage and processing of memories. Different bodies require different amounts of sleep, and naps have long been recommended for humans.
By taking a nap or a siesta, people can refresh themselves, ultimately making their days much more productive and enjoyable. Many people find a 20-minute “power nap” optimal, as it seems to recharge the sleeper extremely effectively. People can also take shorter naps like micronaps, naps that last just a few minutes and can wake up with a surprising sense of well-being. For people who are looking to incorporate napping into their routine, the best time to take a nap is late morning or early afternoon. In the late afternoon, it’s possible to slip into a deep sleep, which can leave you groggy and out of it, rather than refreshed.
Because a nanonap only lasts a few seconds, it doesn’t contribute much to the overall health of the nap. In fact, since you usually feel guilty and stressed when you wake up from a midget nap, it’s entirely possible that napping could actually make napping feel worse. However, it can be used as an indicator to suggest that it’s time for a longer nap or a change of environment.
People are often scolded for falling asleep at work or in class. This may not be the best approach to the problem, as falling into a midget nap could be a symptom of a health problem. If you find yourself drifting off often, you may want to consider better sleep hygiene so that your night’s rest is more beneficial. It’s also a good idea to think about integrating naps into your routine. Many workers, for example, are allowed several 15-minute breaks each day; you may want to take advantage of one of these downtimes to take a nap in a dark, quiet area of your workplace.