A trend reversal is a change in the direction of individual investments or a market as a whole, which can be positive or negative. Investors and brokers use trend reversals to plan future investment strategies and minimize losses.
Trend reversals are changes in the direction of individual reversals or of a market as a whole. Sometimes known simply as a reversal, a trend reversal identifies a change in investment activities that is anticipated to remain in place for an appreciable period of time. This change can be a rally for a particular stock, or a rally for a stock market as a whole. A trend reversal may not be a positive occurrence, as it can also mean that an individual or market investment is entering a period of sustained downturn.
Investors and financial professionals typically identify a trend reversal when evaluating the current state of a market. As part of the overall analysis, the reasons for the current state of the stock or market are identified. If one of these reasons is anticipated to cease to be relevant, analysts will attempt to project future performance of the market or stock. If all indications point to a change in the current trend of the stock or market under consideration, a trend reversal is said to be projected.
The trend reversal can be a positive or negative situation for the investor. If an investment or a group of investments of the same type are currently flat or barely returning, a trend reversal that indicates a sudden increase in value per unit is considered a positive trend reversal. If investments that have performed well over the past year or so suddenly start to decline in value, the condition is often referred to as a negative trend reversal.
Investors and brokers often try to identify the potential for trend reversal as a way to plan future investment strategies. For example, a broker may advise a client to sell stocks or other securities in a given market if there are indications that the market is about to fall for a period of time. The funds obtained from the sale of the securities may be invested in a different market that is considered stable and demonstrates growth potential. In this way, the broker uses the identification of the trend reversal to minimize the loss to the client and possibly improve the opportunities for a higher return on investment.
Smart Asset.