Crisis theory in Marxian economics examines the causes of economic crises, including the tendency for boom and bust cycles, and the role of falling profit rates in triggering crises. Some economists believe capitalism is unsustainable due to this theory, and interventions such as nationalization may be necessary. Understanding competing economic theories is important for analyzing political influences on economies.
Crisis theory is a topic of study in Marxian economics focusing on the causes of economist crises, based on discussions of crises in the works of Karl Marx and his contemporaries. In his critiques of capitalism, Marx discussed the tendency for boom and bust cycles to arise, and he proposed a crisis theory rooted in the failures of capitalism as an economic system. Some theorists agree with Marx, while others engage with crisis theory from other perspectives and find it an interesting topic for discussion even if they think it is ultimately flawed.
According to Marx, economic crises can all be linked to a falling rate of profit. Since the core of a capitalist system is constant and ideally increases profits, a decline in their rate can trigger a domino effect throughout the system. Crisis theory involves his discussions of the rate of profit and the role it plays in capitalist economies. Marx argued that when workers do not control demand and the means of production, a decline in profit is inevitable.
In a capitalist system, when profit rates fall, unemployment starts to rise because firms cannot sustain their current staffing levels. This in turn creates an even greater drop in profits, as unemployed workers have lower demand for goods and services, resulting in underutilization. A snowball effect occurs and can trigger an economic crisis. Crisis theory explores this chain of events and how it contributes to economic upheavals.
Some proponents of Marxian economics believe that capitalism is not inherently sustainable, in part due to the results of crisis theory. This theory suggests that economies will remain trapped in a continuous cycle of booms and busts, and this makes failures inevitable. Within that system, individuals may be able to profit from both downturns and downturns, but society as a whole can suffer. The study of crisis theory also includes discussions of interventions to fix failing markets, such as government assistance in the form of nationalization.
Economists may study crisis theory and other aspects of Marxian economics during their education, even if they do not ultimately adopt this approach to economics. It can be important to understand competing economic theories and the logic behind them. This information can help researchers analyze various schools of thought and the influences political systems can have on economies. When government officials subscribe to Marxian economics and use it as a guiding philosophy for their tax decisions, for example, it will have a distinct impact on the economy.