Trade disputes can refer to conflicts between employers and workers or between nations about trade agreements. Negotiators may be needed to resolve the issues. Unions often participate in workplace disputes, while governments may step in for disputes involving vital industries. International trade organizations can provide mediators, and parties can sue if international law or trade agreements are violated.
The term “trade dispute” can refer to two different types of conflicts. The first is an argument between employers and workers on terms of employment, working conditions and related issues. In a second sense, it refers to a discussion between nations about the terms of trade agreements. In both cases, it may be necessary to bring in an outside negotiator to assist people in the resolution process.
In a workplace trade dispute, employees are usually dissatisfied with certain working conditions. They may want more wages, better benefits, different working hours, or adjustments to workplace conditions, such as better access to safety equipment. Workers approach the employer to discuss the matter and the employer can decide to grant the requests or negotiate. Often a union participates in a trade dispute, acting on behalf of the workers in discussions with the employer. The union has more weight than individual workers or groups of employees.
Sometimes, business disputes result in a strike, in which employees refuse to work until their demands are met. Most commonly, employers and workers are able to reach an agreement. It’s possible that both sides will have to make some concessions to get a deal done, and in some cases, people may agree to call off negotiations and revisit the subject at a later date. When a trade dispute involves industries vital to the national economy, sometimes the government also steps in to prevent disruption to economic activity.
International trade disputes can occur when nations don’t like the terms of a trade agreement or disagree with policy changes that a trading partner has made. People may want more favorable taxes and rates or request a dues suspension. Representatives of each government meet to discuss the trade dispute and come up with some proposals to resolve it. Some can act directly to make decisions, while others have to report proposals to other members of government to see if they accept new terms and conditions.
These disputes can get bitter enough that the parties need a mediator. International trade organizations can provide representatives to discuss a trade dispute with parties and make suggestions for resolving it. Dispute members can also take their case to court, suing if they believe the terms of international law or existing trade agreements are at issue with the dispute. For example, if two nations are members of a trading partnership that expressly bans tariffs on goods moved between member nations, and one country starts charging a tariff, the other party can sue for damages and end the prosecution.