A service network is a collection of resources brought together by individuals and businesses to achieve a common goal and expand their reach. It can be a website that compiles academic journals or a portal page for users to access multiple services in one place. Members contribute funds and staff for maintenance and development. Service networks can be public or private and require substantial resources.
A service network is a collection of aggregate resources brought together by individuals and businesses to achieve a common goal and expand their reach. An example of a service network might be a website that compiles academic journals from the same field. This gives scholars access to all the journals that might interest them in a position, rather than forcing them to chase through different journal websites to keep up with the latest developments in their area of study. This service network would combine the resources of several publishers and magazine publishers.
This term usually refers to service networks on the Internet. A website set up on a service network model can act as a portal page for users, so there is no need to search for services in multiple places. Businesses that participate in the network can access more customers and can achieve higher customer satisfaction rates, as consumers often want to be able to access basic information and meet their needs in one place.
All members of the service network contribute funds to support the site’s infrastructure and can also provide staff who offer customer support, site maintenance and the development of new features and services. Service networks can cover topics such as career development, entertainment, and paying bills. For example, a bank could work with utilities to create a network of services that allows customers to pay bills on a single website. Their banking information will remain secure, and they can schedule payments, track invoices, and perform other activity in one place.
In addition to being open to members of the public, a service network can also be private in nature. Companies can create networks when preparing to collaborate on projects. All project members will have access to the information they need, while companies can protect proprietary information on their internal networks. This facilitates information exchange and cooperation while protecting the financial interests of the companies involved.
Service networks can require substantial resources. They can contain a lot of data and often require encryption capabilities to protect passwords and confidential information. They can contribute savings to individual members, who can use these savings to fund their part of the service network. Once the site is up and running, the level of maintenance needed depends on the services provided and the level of control individual users have over the content.